Anson in Review

Bullying. No Way! 

The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is a day for schools, students and the community to say Bullying. No Way! On Friday 18 March 2022, we encouraged Kindness Culture by promoting inclusion, respect and community belonging. Staff and students wore 'Take a Stand Together' wrist bands and completed random acts of kindness around the school and at home. These were logged on the Kindness Factory's 'Kindness Log'. The Kindness Factory is a global kindness movement, based in Australia and the US.


Mr Wong-See created a short film promoting strategies for responding to bullying. Nathaniel interviewed Tyler, Dylan, Tully, Logan B and Harrison. Click on the link and check it out :)


Link to video:


Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal 

World Down Syndrome Day

On Monday 21 March we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by rocking our craziest odd socks! The idea behind the #lotsofsocks initiative is acceptance of all our differences, and what makes us unique as individuals. Socks come in all shapes, sizes and designs, just like each of us.

Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal

Harmony Week

Harmony Day is celebrated on the 21st March annually, the ongoing theme is 'Everyone Belongs'. This year each stage did activities in class to celebrate the diversity in our school. 


Stage 5 students have been promoting a kindness culture across the school all term. Last week they curated a Harmony Week library with stories that celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. Each book explores inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Lina has volunteered to visit classes across the school and read these books to other students, and class 7 students have been reading one book each day. Class 9 explored their own cultural identity and family histories and created a map showcasing the diversity of our peers.


Stage 6 students have been spreading awareness of 'Everyone Belongs' through conversations and acknowledging the heritage of staff and students.  Students have created a compliment paper chain and plan to keep adding compliments to make it the length of the stage 6 corridor. We also made harmony hearts to share with peers and staff and are working on a stage 6 collaborative artwork. 

Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal