Year 12 Formal  

A message from Toni Gray

Year 12 - Mid Year Formal 2022

What a fantastic night we all had at the Year 12 Mid-Year Formal on Friday June 17th at The Emerald, celebrating this very special milestone with students in their final year of secondary schooling.


Students and staff went all out, looking very classy and getting on the dance floor to ensure this formal evening was a huge success. Students demonstrated exemplary behaviour throughout the evening, having a great time with their peers and teachers, with many fantastic memories made.

Events like this take a lot to coordinate and could not have been as successful without the help and support from a lot of people. I would like to make special mention and say a massive thank you to our Year 12 Social Committee, particularly Melina, Yoedhzer, Dakota and Daphne for helping with event management and set up. Patrick and Chloe for giving a great welcoming speech to kick off our Cultural Event; Jagoda in the office for ensuring all invoices got paid; Phillipa and her daughter Erica (photographer) for all your help, and to George Lyras for his contacts and advice throughout.

I would also like to thank Ken, Lea, Andrew and all our staff and students who came to support this event. Final mention to all our wonderful families, for your support in getting students ready, to and from this event. I am sure you all would have been immensely proud!!! 


More photos of the evening and from our photo booth can be accessed via our Senior Team, general file – Year 12 Cultural Event – Formal.



Ms. Toni Gray

Year 12 Coordinator