Performing Art Night 

Visual and Performing Arts  News

A Term of Performing Arts Events and Performances

 In the last few weeks we have been able to show off the Performing Arts.

We started the series off with a fantastic Vocal Soirée evening lead by Ms Jennie Mortimer. The evening was aimed at the parents of the students in the Vocal Instrumental Classes and was enjoyed by all. Next was the VCE soiree night that was particularly challenging for the students as not only was it an evening for a display of talent for the student’s parents it was the formal assessment for Unit 1 and Unit 3 Performance. Well done to all the students and thank you for Mr Rohan Bayley and Mr Daniel Luttick for arranging the evening. The Dance and Theatre Studies evening was also a fantastic success, giving the on stage opportunity for mainly the senior Dance students and Theatre Studies students to perform their pieces to an eager audience. The evening was lead by Ms Louisa D’Ortenzio and Ms Nina Rossini.

 Lastly taking place Thursday 16th July was the Performing Arts Showcase. A night where the students displayed the hard work and talents of the classes of Music, Instrumental Music, Junior Performing Art, Dance and the Discover Dance Program. As well as a thank you to the teachers already mentioned also a thank you to our Instrumental Music teachers Ms Nicole Chen, Mr Tony Pain, Bruce Sandell and Ms Vivian Cantera. 

 “Performing arts night was a great experience, I love the feeling of being on stage with my dance team and being able to try new things. Performing on the night was one of my favourite performances, it makes me feel happy and safe when I’m performing with my friends. I feel like Performing arts is a way to show your confidence and to have lots of fun.” -Scarlett L'Abbate 8E


Giorgio Blackwell
Giorgio Blackwell

 As a student performing and hosting at the performing arts night I found the night to be fun as I got to see the skills of my fellow peers. I’d love to applaud the audience’s appreciation in the performances and their encouragement in clapping and cheering the students during their performances. I’d also love to say a special thank you to the teachers that organised this performance night as it gave many people the ability to present their skills on stage and allowed the audience to see the diversity of art forms available at our school. I’d finally would love to give a huge thank you to the performers and the tech people who allowed for this fun night to occur - Giorgio Blackwell 10D


Well done to all students and teachers involved.


Mr. Geoffrey M Barker

The Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator