
A message from the debating students  

Debating – Student comments


Shanisa Rajarajan (7D)
Shanisa Rajarajan (7D)

So far, I have enjoyed debating and winning a few matches, I never gave up hope if we lost because it means that I had to improve. During the debating rounds our debating mentors, Mrs Keaughran and Miss Warren helped us to improve our speeches and they came every round to Loyola with us. They encouraged us to challenge ourselves. I really wish there could have been more matches in one year.




Mehaknoor Kaur
Mehaknoor Kaur

Debating has been an amazing experience. There have been so many opportunities and working with older year levels has helped me achieve my best. At first, I was very hesitant to join debating and even more hesitant to be a speaker for a match but with the help of my peers, teachers, and family I worked extremely hard and competed. Debating has helped increase my confidence and my speaking skills and overall was a wonderful experience. I would also like to thank Mrs. Keaughran, Miss Warren and all my peers who helped me so much through the entire journey.



Chi Dam
Chi Dam

Debating has been a wonderful experience that will be unforgettable in the far future. Debating has helped me improve in public speaking and time management and I have made new friends from different year levels. Competing has also helped me gain more experience in debating. Without this experience, I wouldn’t be as confident as I am today. I would like to thank Miss Keaughran, Miss Warren, and everybody in the debating team for being super cool and helpful !



Emilia Blackwell
Emilia Blackwell

I would like to thank the debating team and my friends for supporting us through the few weeks and Ms. Warren and Ms. Keaughran for taking time to help us proofread and give feedback during lunches. Thanks to all the support and encouragement we were able to successfully and confidently present our work and win.