Physical Education

Hi Families,
Year 4 Hoop Time
Last Monday the year 4 students participated in Hoop Time at Melbourne Sport and Aquatic Centre in Albert Park. Six teams took the court - Our All Stars team that play regular basketball, Our 2 Future Stars teams - that had a mix of regular players and lunchtime players and then our 2 Rookie teams that have never played before but gave it a red hot go!
As always, I was super impressed how the students conducted themselves. I actually went as a parent for my own child with her school, so to watch from a parents point of view, their sportsmanship and teamwork on the court, was fabulous to see.
Our Future Stars Vikings team topped their pool, making it to the finals but just missing out on the win.
A big thank you to our volunteers for the day, Olivia Morris, Rachelle Mosca and Bronwyn Lindenberg. We really appreciate the time you took to help the students.
Year 6 Girls Footy Day
Our year 6’s (and 1 year 5) will be attending a day filled with football on Wednesday at Elgar Park. While some girls have never played football before, the aim of this day is really for the girls to enjoy some time together as a cohort, learn a new sport - whether it be playing on the field, helping coach, team manage or score. But most importantly, having fun! We wish the girls all the best.
Division Football & Netball Finals
Our year 6 boys (and some year 5 boys) will be participating in the Division AFL Boys Finals on Monday 1st August at Elgar Park to try and win a spot into the Eastern Regional Finals. Our year 6 Girls and Mixed teams will be doing the same on Friday 5th of August at Mullum Mullum Courts.
We wish all of these teams the best of luck!
Weetbix Active Bands
The Bands have arrived, so I will be sending these home with the children next week. In case you missed the information about these in the last newsletter here it is.
Weet-Bix Active Bands is a fun, FREE way for Aussie kids to keep active and be rewarded along the way. Designed for kids aged 5 to 12 years, Weet-Bix Active Bands combines a super cool wrist band with an interactive app, with heaps of activities and challenges to make exercise fun. Please click here for a note from Athletics Australia and also this link will
Have a safe and active week everyone.
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator