Principal's Post

Dear Families,
This week is St James Week ,
We commenced the celebrations with a very engaging celebration of Eucharist yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful to be a part of this event yesterday with Fathers Dispin John, Michael Kelly, Michael Elligot and Kevin Dillon. Many students were inspired to meet the person which our oval and Blue House Colour are named after. The famous St James parishioners' afternoon tea was on display and very delicious. We also set up a lot of memorabilia in the Multi Purpose Room which many past parents and Mass attendees reminisced over.
Father Dillon summed up the day well when he said it was an opportunity to celebrate what has been achieved, reacquaint with old friends and possibly organise future catch up opportunities.
Thank you to all those who helped make the day possible, especially Trish McLaughlan.
Today we commenced our day with a whole school Mass lead by our highly competent Year Two students who were guided by Mr Sweatman and Miss Darvell. Father Dispin was ill so he organised Father Dillon to celebrate the mass.
Throughout the week students will be involved in a variety of lunchtime activities here at school.
Monday: Colouring competition commences (due in Thursday)
Tuesday: Scavenger Hunt
Thursday: Talent Show
Friday sees the culmination of St James Week with our Mini Mission Fete organsied and hosted by our Year Five and Six students. Our Year 4 students are organising our Cake Stall ( 'Cakes for a Cause')
Read the attached letter from our Year Six students explaining our Mini Mission Fete and what your child needs to bring along.
Please see our Year Level & Specialist Curriculum page for each Year Level's Term Three Newsletter as well as the Specialist Newsletters.
Year 7, 2024 Enrolment (current Yr 5s) at Catholic Schools applications close on 19 August
Please ensure you have your child's enrolment forms handed in to the respective Catholic Secondary College by Friday 19 August (St James students often attend one of the following Catholic Secondary Colleges: Aquinas, Emmaus, Sion, Whitefriars).
For enrolment in all other schools, parents must contact the school to see when enrolment forms are due in.
Parent Education on Student Wellbeing
Empowering Healthy Families Webinar Series
Our Term Three Webinar is on Thursday 18 August - Reduce Chaos and Increase Calm
Here is the link to register and the promotional flyer
- Managing anxiety and other big feelings for tweens. This webinar was held on the 2nd June. We have been given access to view recording via the link for a limited time -
- Tackling tricky conversations (November 17)
COVID Update
We are currently experiencing our largest absentee rate due to COVID. Please continue to be very vigilant in measures to help prevent the spread of the virus. I endorse the recommendation by MACS for all students to wear a mask.
We have converted some of our in person events to online events to help prevent the spread of the virus and keep community members safe and able to learn.
We may need to restrict parent access to the school site if local cases at St James continue to rise.
- Just a reminder that if a household member has tested positive to Covid-19 children in grades 3-6 must wear a mask at school and we encourage students in P-2 to wear a mask also. All students must return a negative RAT each morning for one week to be able to attend school and not be showing any symptoms.
- We look forward to seeing all Confirmation Candidates at one of the Commitment Masses this weekend: 6:00pm on Saturday, or 9:15, 11:15 this Sunday.
- Next Monday, 1 August we plan to thanks our Crossing Supervisor, Carlo at our assembly. Given the weather, it is also our opportunity to welcome our new, semester two SRC representatives. They will be given a badge to acknowledge the important role they have.
- Don't forget that the school will be closed on Thursday 11 August as the staff gather to learn more about the 'Respectful Relationships' program.
Have a great week!