P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
While it is a busy time at the school this week with St James Week events including the Mini Mission Fete, the start of term is a little quieter for the P&F with most of our events towards the end of term so just a short and sweet one this week!
Pasta Food Day- Wednesday 3rd August
Bunnings BBQ- Saturday 26th August
Father’s Day Stall- Friday 2nd September
Father’s Day Breakfast- Friday 2nd September
School Glow Disco- Thursday 15th September
PASTA FOOD DAY - Wednesday 3rd August
Order forms are due THIS Wednesday 27th July for our Pasta Food Day on next Wednesday! The Pasta and Chocolate Chip Muffins are being provided by the Aquinas College Canteen through parent Jun Yeung who works in the canteen. Feedback suggests there are a lot of kids looking forward to this one!
Thanks to the 5 volunteers who have signed up to help sort and pack the drinks and snacks and deliver lunches to the classrooms.
If you've lost your form here it is!
PASTA FOOD DAY 3rd August 2022.pdf
When sending order forms back to school we would appreciate it if you could send your envelope/zip lock bag clearly marked with the name, class, name of event and the correct amount enclosed.
You may remember earlier in the year we were able to donate some of our “dollars” earned to the school to purchase some Physical Education Equipment.
Finally Most of Mrs Wall’s order has arrived and is pictured here with Grade 6 School Sport’s Captains, Isabel and Archie.
A big thanks to Jason Barrie for arranging all this through Rebel!
Equipment includes
- A class set of Softballs
- 5 Bocce Sets
- 4 sets of Boxing Gloves and Pads
Remember to keep presenting your Rebel card linked to St James when you make a purchase at Rebel to earn more dollars for our school!
A very big thanks to all who braved the cold on Monday night to attend our P&F Meeting. Thanks to Rachelle Mosca (Treasurer) who took the minutes for me (Kylie) when a series of events led to me unable to attend. Lots of great discussion took place which you can see in the minutes attached below.
P&F MEETING MINUTES -Mon 18th July 2022.docx
Thanks to Jen Harvey, Clemi Kohombanwickremage, Amy Dougherty and Michelle Holmes for helping on the BBQ last week. If you can sign up to help for any of the last 3 weeks please sign up here: volunteersignup.org/QMM8L
Over the last 2 weeks we have put a call out for extra Champions for these 2 events. Thanks to all those that have offered to help. Your support is appreciated!
Thanks for your support,
Kylie and Sheleigh