Sustainability News

Australia State of the Environment 2021 -               Our past is the key to a better future

Climate change is real: bushfires are currently burning in Spain, Portugal, France, Greece and around London, the tundra is thawing, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising. In Australia inaction contributed to ongoing habitat loss in our alpine regions, in our reefs and in our forests. Australia's State of the Environment Report pulls no punches. It tells it how it is. We have one of the highest rates of species losses in the world. We owe it to our country to preserve and protect our wild places.


You might like to watch this short 40 second clip about how together we can heal Country for our future.


At St Joseph's College, taking care of creation includes:

  • keeping heating at 23C
  • turning heating off at the end of a lesson
  • keeping blinds up / lights off as often as possible and practical
  • reducing/avoiding single use plastic, especially unnecessary packaging
  • minimising paper use
  • putting rubbish in the bins provided
  • only putting plastic bottle lids in the wooden containers around the yard - (it's rather unpleasant for the students who are collecting the lids having to sort out rubbish first)
  • avoiding walking through garden beds
  • educating and reminding each other to do the right thing
  • separating paper, waste, plastic and food scraps in the staffroom

And... if you have an idea of how we could collect food scraps in the yard, please do tell.

Access the full report here



Australia state of the environment 2021

Combining scientific, traditional and local knowledge, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people have worked together to create this first holistic assessment of the state of Australia’s environment.


Ruth Phillips
