Georgina Manning:

Wednesday 13th July 6.30pm

We are thrilled to announce that Movie Night and Georgina Manning will be on Wednesday 13th July.  If you had a ticket for the original date this is still valid so you don't need to do anything. 

If you are now not able to come please email me at with the subject heading being Georgina Manning. If you did not have a ticket for the previous date but would like to come to this one please email me and put your name down. This will be helpful for me to know what numbers we will have. 



Family School Partnerships


Family School Partnerships. Tonight is a valuable time for us all to strengthen our commitment to working together to support our children. Below is some information that St Anne's staff regularly reflect on. 



I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely break over the holidays. I hope you are able to enjoy some time together with family and friends amongst the busyness of work and having the children home.


Best wishes

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader