Upper Primary Learning

Congratulations on a great Term 2! The main focus of the term has been on understanding other countries and cultures, and the UPA students have embraced this topic with great enthusiasm.
We started the term with an excursion to the Melbourne Zoo where the students immersed themselves in learning about the diverse habitats and the features of animals from around the world along the way. From here, we focused on different cultures through our mentor texts and further integrated studies.
Our language experiences included learning about our own ethnic background, making hats, learning greetings in other languages, orienteering around the school, and making Guatemalan-style worry dolls. In addition to learning about other cultures around the world, we also have focused in on the traditional cultures of Indigenous Australians and the importance of recognising their rights in Australia.
Our Numeracy foci for the term has been on developing number skills through addition and subtraction, data collection and graphing, positional language and location. I have been really impressed with their engagement throughout all the subjects, and I look forward to an even better term 3. Keep up the good work UPA!!!
UPB have had another awesome term. In Literacy, we have been reading mentor texts which focus on learning about different cultures. The students have continued with their fun and informative language experiences focused on learning about various aspects of other cultures. These include making Mexican hot chocolate and Indian lassi, saying hello in different languages, making a Guatemalan worry doll, and visiting Melbourne Zoo.
In Maths, students have been learning about addition and subtraction, data, making graphs, positional language and location. Keep up the great work UPB!
This term UPC has participated in lots of exciting learning opportunities and focused on being kind to each other. We started the term with a walk to Watsonia RSL to celebrate ANZAC day. Here we saw poppies, canons, plaques and statues. Next we went to the Melbourne Zoo where we learnt about the countries different animals come from. We have been learning about countries and cultures and celebrating those within our class. We learnt how to say ‘Hello’ in different languages and tried drinks from different countries.
In Maths, we have been working on adding and subtracting, graphs, location and patterns. We also celebrated Reconciliation Week by participating in a ceremony, walking around the school and having a BBQ. We are very excited for more excursions and activities in Term 3!
Written by the students of UPC
Although it has been a short term, it has been jam-packed with meaningful learning opportunities and exciting language experiences.
We began the term with an informative excursion to Watsonia RSL, where the students were able to reflect upon the service and sacrifice given by our servicemen and women.
During the term our mentor texts and Integrated Unit have focused on learning about different countries and cultures throughout the world. To complement this topic the students have made a breakfast drink from Ethiopia and constructed a globe of the world depicting all the seven continents.
One of the favourite activities was creating hats from different cultures. The students wore their hats, saying ‘hello’ in the language of the country and made a video using the green screen in the Discovery Centre. The students are very proud of their efforts.
A definite highlight of the term was our excursion to the Melbourne Zoo where the students immersed themselves in the diverse habitats; learning about the features of each animal along the way.
In Mathematics the students have worked diligently on concepts in Addition, Subtraction, Data and Location.
All in all, the students can be commended for an excellent semester’s work.
Thank you to all parents and carers for your support over the term.
From Ashika (UPE class captain)
I am Ashika, the class captain. This term I have enjoyed the most is going to the Melbourne Zoo with my friends and Class. I also enjoyed the Sausage sizzle we had for Reconciliation Week. I love going to electives every Tuesday afternoon with my friends.
Term 2 was a blast. Going to the Melbourne Zoo and swimming each week at WaterMarc were definitely highlights. Here’s what the students in UPF had to say:
I had fun at swimming- James
I like horses. I jump in the water. - Cassie
I am getting better at swimming. I really want to swim on my own- Annie
I kick my legs. I do swimming by myself.- Isabella
I saw a little kangaroo. Kangaroos are from Australia.- Sammy
My favourite animal was a lion. It was so fluffy and looked like a big cat.- Ethan
Another fantastic term in UPG! We have focused on Culture, Country, Tradition and Language during our Literacy and Integrated Unit. We have identified our place ,our suburb, state, country and world. We have looked at Victoria and identified some natural and man made landmarks.
UPG really enjoyed the graphing and data collection unit, very engaged in the addition and subtraction of numbers and understanding our numbers and their Place Value. The students are very happy on Tuesday afternoon to participate in their chosen elective. The excursions this term have been exciting, Watsonia RSL and Royal Melbourne Zoo,the students learnt about our soldiers and animals that originated from various countries.
Thank you for your ongoing support this term.
Happy holidays.
Congratulations to UPH students on another wonderful term. We very much enjoyed our excursions and our language experiences. We have spent a lot of time learning about other countries and cultures for our Integrated Unit topic, Geography. We also identified our own country, and the countries we may have come from in the past. We learned about Reconciliation and what that means, and had the chance to enjoy a didgeridoo performance, as well as a sausage sizzle for Reconciliation Week. Overall, we have worked very hard and we have had lots of fun!
Here is what UPH had to say about the term:
In UPH, we have done writing, reading, maths and assembly. We went to the Melbourne Zoo, and we went to see the Gorillas and the turtles. We went on an excursion to the RSL. UPH had fun in the Discovery Centre. We practised talking in different languages. UPH tried different drinks from different countries. We made handprints to put on a blanket. It was fun!
Occupational Therapist: Julia Cassin
This term UP students have continued to build their social emotional skills and strategies. We have been reading a book called “You’re a Social Detective” to understand how others think and feel, and work hard to show expected behaviours in our classrooms.
Speech Pathologist: Sinead O'Donnell
In Upper Primary Speech sessions, students have been working on extending their sentences in both oral and written form. They have been using their skills from the Little Learners Love Literacy program to help them spell. They are beginning to view themselves as writers!
Rachel Morgan Maddison Byrne
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement