OGPS – Other Great Programs @ School

Year 5 Ecolinc & Roo Keeper incursion 

On Tuesday 14th of June  Nicole from Ecolinc & Shay from Roo Keepers came for an incursion at school with the Yr5’s.

We had an up close and personal session to meet these beautiful native Australian animals.


Barry the Bearded Dragon,

Simpson the Children's Python, 

Little Lucy the Black Headed Python,

Rosy the Squirrel Glider,

Winter the Alpine Dingo,

Hank the Eastern Grey Koala.


We also learnt about Animal Adaptation. 

Adaptations are unique characteristics that allow animals to survive in their environment. 

We had a close up look under the microscope at a snake skin, lizard skin, fish scales, feathers, dragonflies and looked at a unique platypus. 


A fantastic day of being curious, investigating and being able to be hands on with some amazing animals.







Campfire Stories 

Hi it’s Jackson and Lilly. Yesterday we were lucky enough to be able to participate in a self determination in education workshop for First Nations students in the Barwon area at Narana. We had the opportunity to discuss and give our thoughts on how we feel about being First Nations kids at school and what could be done better in the future to help us feel included, respected and Learn more about our culture. We were also taught about traditional tools and culture, made our own acknowledgement to country, decorate boomerangs and fed emus, kangaroos and wallabies. We are so grateful for this experience.




This is my inclusive flag

It has a bit of the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian Flag. 

If we have this flag, it is inclusive to everyone in Australia and it is only one flag. 


Thank you

Zoe 3JC.