What's Happening...

Skool Loop
The school has begun using the app Skool Loop.
We will use the app to provide information about upcoming events and dates, and send home virtual permission slips and informative notes. If your child is absent you will be able to notify School that your child will be absent & record the reason through the app. Please take the time to download the app and familiarise yourself with how it works. Don’t hesitate to call the school if you require any assistance with this.
Skool Loop is an easy-to-use communication app for schools, parents, and students. It helps to build community, facilitate parent-teacher communication, and allow those within the school to share information.
Staffing Update
Miss Fish will continue to relieve Ms Emerton as Principal until further notice. Miss Fish and Mrs Cecil are both still teaching in the classroom supported by Donna and Sherrell. If you would like to discuss anything please contact the school on 66881033 or email the school on larnook-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Centenary Postponed
Unfortunately due to Covid requirements, the recent floodings and that several notable dignitaries are unable to attend we have made the decision to postpone the Centenary event for Larnook Public School to a later date this year. The date is to be advised and when confirmed we will sending out your invitations closer to the event.
Food Bank
Kyogle Together have donated us a very generous supply of food. This is being distributed to our families in the coming weeks