Transition and Pathways 

Griffith Employment Expo Excursion 

This Friday, Year 10 will be attending the inaugural Griffith Employment Expoorganised by the Griffith Business Chamber. Students will have the opportunity to meet and greet with local employers, with theview to assisting with career planning and subject selections into Year 11.

Upcoming Ag Industry Excursion Opportunity 

Casella is hosting the following free event on Wednesday 31st August (Week 7): The Manufacturing, Agrifood and Electrotechnology (MAE) industries will be showcased in an industry environment to highlight future careers. 


An exclusive event for female participants aged 16-64, careers advisors & influencers. By participating in this FREE event you will have the opportunity to have a hands on experience and hear from female industry leaders in the manufacturing, agrifood and electrotechnology (MAE) industries. Participants will also have access to the latest career information and have the opportunity to ask questions from industry leaders. 


 If you are interested, please see, or email, me this week. There is a free bus that we need to book. Details can be found at the link below. Please don't register yet!



MCC Community Please see the Transition and Pathways Google Classroom for the latest Careers and VET news. Allstudents are welcome to join and parents can then have access and also join using the code. Code: svglyjaLink:



Please see our subscription service Work Study Grow’s newsletters for comprehensive coverage of nationwide Careers related events. You can access them here:
