Acting Principal's Report

Todd Woodfine

I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to lead a team of enthusiastic and dedicated staff who always go above and beyond for our students. To continually provide a safe and supportive learning environment for our students, throughout another successful year. 

I would like to thank our school captains who have displayed outstanding leadership skills and have been active role models for our college community. To our primary captains; Kaitlyn Munroe, Sophie Moore, Ruby Thompson, Sophie McDonald and Madison Saunders and college captains; Miller Griffiths, A R Tesoro, Olivia Cartwright and Stevie Child. You should be very proud of the way you have worked together and represented our college on numerous occasions throughout the year.


All school community members, including our parents and carers have played a role in the learning opportunities and contributing to the educational goals of our students and I appreciate the continual shared responsibility displayed by all stakeholders.


I would like to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Todd Woodfine