Good News: 

Athena placed in the top 12 at the YAGP International Virtual Ballet Competition.

She was invited to Florida to compete in the finals but has another event to compete at already booked.

Athena is the only Kiwi in her age group to make it through to the top 12 in the world.

Below is a snippet of her performance.

Room 9 decided to make a video for the special people in their lives at Western Heights:

They decided to dedicate and record our song for all the special people who have shown them support and kindness this year in Room 9.

The song symbolizes their gratitude to the ones who have shown them how to be kind through their daily actions.


The song is about being kind -  kindness is the gift that keeps giving.

The children created the words, melody etc., for the song!  It's been part of their learning this year.

Nicole Snook Cares Too:

Nicole, via her friend Jess and Jess's coffee cart, shouted every member of staff a free coffee today. That's about 60 coffees. It was her way of saying thanks for us all caring for her two boys these past eight years. 


It is only fair to say we have been the blessed ones. Both boys have left their mark on our school and in our hearts. Both have grown up to be really fine young men.

Natasha Continues to Shine:

Natasha joined us seven years ago as a shy and quiet little girl. Mrs Nummy was brilliant at helping Tash find her place here and feel comfortable going outside and trying out the playground.

How Tash has grown! She just won the Speech and Drama cup for Barradene College - a well-earned transformation worth being very proud of.

Hannah also continues to shine in gymnastics:


Santa Took A Seat:

Today our juniors were treated to a lollipop and a High Five from Santa.


And for this one - don't ask... the things mums get their kids to do.