Principal News

Welcome to a great year of learning at Banyan Fields Primary School for 2023. We have had a great first week back with everyone settling in. I have enjoyed speaking with many students across the school who have reported to me that they are very excited about their 2023 class and looking forward to the year ahead. At the time of writing this newsletter submission, our Foundation students have attended for their first day. I am pleased to share that they had a very positive start and are already getting to know the expectations and routines of attending school. Starting school is a big adjustment and I am very proud of our youngest students for joining our school community.


Our students and staff are currently working together to create amazing learning environments. This week they are working through our ‘setting the climate’ program which is focused upon classmates getting to know one another and developing the classroom expectations and process that will be in place. This is a really important time for establishing positive relationships and starting the year off on the right foot.

I would like to thank students and families for adopting our 9am start to the school day which we implemented from the beginning of this year. I understand that the morning routine is a busy time for families and appreciate any changes that may have been put in place to accommodate this. So far we have found this to be a really smooth start to the day for our students.


Please remember that throughout all of Term 1, all students are required to wear a sun smart hat when they are outside at school. I would like to ask for families to make sure that student bring a named hat to school every day.


Today I visited 5M/S where they were doing some in depth thinking about why we come to school. They used the 5 why’s protocol to tease out this question and challenge their thinking. I found it so interesting seeing the students work through on this that I decided to join in the activity. I have shared a few examples of the students work and my work in this edition of the newsletter.



We have some new students who have joined the Banyan Fields Primary School Community. I hope that you all feel very welcome and find our school to be an exciting, supportive and friendly place like I do!


We have also welcomed some new staff to the BFPS team. The new staff who have joined us are:


Jacinta Page – Education Support 

Niomi Jamous – Classroom Teacher

Rachel Haynes – Classroom Teacher

Niosha Morshedi – Education Support 

Cheryl Hore – Temporary Business Manager 


Have a wonderful finish to the first week of school. I look forward to seeing you around our school soon.

                                                                       Bethany Jackson
