Student Council

News from our School Councillors


This month we will be offering three ways to promote acts of kindness:

  1. Christmas Dress-Up Day & Toy Drive (Tuesday 13th December)
  2. Canned Food Drive (Closes Monday 12th December)
  3. Christmas Decorations Project (Closes Monday 12th December)


What is a Christmas Dress-Up Day?

Students bring along a gold coin donation to dress up in Christmas clothes or costumes. Students are welcome to wear these clothes and costumes to the Christmas concert after school.

Where do the gold coin donations go?

All gold coin donations will purchase toys that our Junior House Captains will select. These toys will be donated to a local community charity.

Will there be a parade?

YES! Due to our State-wide Transition, our parade will be later in the day this year. There will be a whole school parade on Tuesday 13th December @ 12:30 pm. Our 2023 Prep families are also welcome to attend after your Prep Transition.


Who will be organising the parade?

Our Junior House Captains, with the assistance of the Student Council, will be organising the parade.



What is a canned food drive?

Each class will be collecting canned food. All cans will be donated to a local community charity.

When I take my can to school, where do I put it?

All cans will be stored in their classrooms. Please do not bring cans to the office.

What is the deadline for can collection?

The Student Council members will be collecting all the canned food on Monday 12th December



What is the Christmas Decorations project? This idea came about a couple of years ago when a Year 1 student suggested we decorate the Christmas tree at the Children’s Ward. Every family is welcome to donate Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree at the Children’s Ward, Bendigo Hospital. Our Student Council also makes decorations and donates a few Christmas books.

How do the decorations get to the hospital? The Student Council deliver the decorations personally to the hospital.

What is the deadline for Christmas Decorations project?

The Student Council members will deliver the Christmas decorations in the last week of the term. The final day to drop off decorations will be Monday 12th December.


CHRISTMAS DRESS-UP DAY Tuesday 13th December


We have bouncy balls for sale for $3. Payment can be made on QKR. All bouncy balls will be named before distributing to students. Purchased bouncy balls can be collected from the library office from 8:45 am - 9 am Wednesday - Friday. All proceeds go to our playground projects.