School News

Principal Report, School Programs & Initiatives, Policy Highlight

Dear Parents/Guardians,


It is hard to believe that this will be the last newsletter for 2022 - the year has flown by.


Colour Run

On Friday the 2nd of December, we had our annual Colour Run. The students from all classes were very excited to participate and everyone did a fantastic job. Who doesn't love being squirted by water guns while running and being covered by powder from head to foot? Thank you to all of the parents and staff who helped to make the Colour Run the success that it was.  The $4985.00 in funds that were raised will go towards the building of the student planned GaGa Pit. 



Last night, the grade 6 graduation was held at the Bendigo Pottery. It was an evening to celebrate the end of the primary school and to reflect on the years that had been. Congratulations to all of our grade 6 students and their parents - thank you for being a part of our school.  


Well done to the following award winners:


School Dux Award: Vincent Murdoch

Citizenship Award: Miller Evans

Principal Award: Harper Spark

Spirit Award: Gemma Rhodes

Numeracy Award: Emma Triplet

Literacy Award: Ayuen Ajak

Music Award: Adam Dellar

Sport Award: Ruby Watson

Art Award: Grace Kerr

Auslan Award: Indi Kelly


We would also like to say a big thank you to all families who are departing the school. We have appreciated your tireless efforts in helping with fundraising over the years and for your support of school events. We wish you well in the next step of life.


Last Assembly

A reminder that our last assembly will be held on Friday the 16th of December at 9:10 am. We would love to see as many parents as possible to help say goodbye to our departing grade 6 students, congratulate the STARS of the Term, the new House Captains, new Junior House Captains as well as the Dux and Citizenship award winners. The House competition is neck to neck...and the excitement is high!  Who will be the winning house for 2022?


Statewide Transition

Our new preps have enjoyed two transition mornings and by all accounts seem to be loving the idea of starting school. 


Tuesday,13th December, is the Statewide Transition Day for all government school students. Our Grade 6 students will be heading off to Secondary College for the day, our 2023 Foundation students will be transitioning with us once again, and all of our current students will be heading into their 2023 grades for the morning.  Over the past few weeks, staff have invested many hours considering students’ social, emotional and academic requirements, friendship requests as well as any individual needs so that we can put together the best possible combinations for our 2023 classes.


Last Day

A reminder that school will be finishing at 1:30pm on the last day of term.


Community Picnic

A community picnic will be held on Thursday the 9th of February. The purpose of the evening is simply to bring our school families together to enjoy a night of live music and reconnection. There will be further information about this event soon - but for now, please pencil it into your diaries.


Thank you

Finally, I would like to say a big thank-you to you all for your support in my role as principal this semester. Your passion for our school community, feedback and good will has helped us to start refining our priorities for the next phase of strategic planning. I am so grateful for this opportunity and look forward to working with you all again in the new year. I wish you all a safe and relaxing festive time with your family.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.  

Policy of the Month

We are currently updating our website where all policies and documents will be available very soon. 

This month we are highlighting our Curriculum Framework Policy.