Upper Primary Learning

In UPA this term, the UPA have had a jam-packed term full of learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom. Highlights of the term included:
- Our excursion to Polly Woodside where the students experienced life on the old ship and had a ball playing in the park nearby.
- The Grade 6 students had a great time at the Phillip Island camp experiencing Amaze-n-things, the Penguin Parade and the exciting activities at the site.
- The Grade 4 students had their camp experience day where they showed great resilience to participate in the activities despite the wet and dreary weather!
- Our science-based language experiences investigating forces and properties of materials, whilst constructing marble runs, bridges and houses, mixing substances to create play dough and cloud dough, as well as testing how water-proof some materials are.
These experiences have allowed for students to develop their vocabulary through reading and writing activities, and extend their knowledge in order to give them the ability to understand and build on their knowledge to broaden to new experiences.
In Maths, the students have revised concepts about Place Value and Skip Counting and learnt about the features of 2D and 3D shapes. The students have also revised the important skill of telling the time on an analogue clock.
Staff and students alike have enjoyed all the fun and exciting activities experienced in Term 4. I would like to thank Kiara for being a wonderful ES member in UPA to assist our students with all their various wants and needs! Thank you to all of the parents, families and students for an amazing 2022 and I wish you all the best for 2023 and beyond. Happy holidays!
UPB have had another hard-working term filled with creativity and learning! This term, we continued our Discovery Unit based on how we discover Earth’s resources. Our language experiences have continued each Monday where the students have participated in a range of experiences which involved some creative thinking. The students made a variety of structures including houses, boats and buildings as well as explored properties of materials and forces by making a marble run and making cloud dough. These experiences have allowed for students to develop their vocabulary and extend their knowledge in order to give them the confidence to write about these experiences.
In Mathematics, UPB explored and developed their skills in place value, and continued some work in recognising and using money. They have also learnt about shape including 2D and 3D shapes and how to tell the time. The students have developed in their confidence when reading an analogue clock.
One of the main highlights of the term was our excursion to Polly Woodside where the students experienced life on an old ship and had to perform some duties like scrubbing the deck and ringing the ship’s bell. Also, The Grade 6 students had a great time at the Year 6 camp despite being nervous and were lucky to visit Phillip Island.
UPB have worked unbelievably hard this entire year and I am very proud of each and every student. I wish them all a very happy holiday!
UPC have truly had an exciting term filled with so much growth.
The students have been highly engaged in their learning and have loved being immersed in hands-on, authentic learning opportunities as they navigated our Discovery Unit, learning about Earth’s resources. They have made a variety of structures including boats, bridges and houses and experimented with topics such as floating/sinking, parachutes and properties of materials. In Mathematics, UPC explored the use of ten frames and developed their number sense and knowledge of place value.
The absolute highlight was our visit to Polly Woodside where the students explored an old ship and gained some insight into life out at sea. Additionally, the Grade 6 students had a wonderful time at their camp in Phillip Island.
UPC have demonstrated a high level of kindness and respect to each other and are having a very enjoyable end to the year. I wish them all happy holidays and an exciting 2023!
Term 4 has proved to be a jam-packed term with exciting and authentic learning opportunities at every turn. In our English program students have been immersed in language experiences that have ignited the imagination and developed curiosity about the world around them. The students became ‘scientists’ as they experimented with ingredients to make cloud dough, they became ‘carpenters’ as they sawed and sandpapered balsa wood to create a Superhero Marble Run to learn about the effect of gravity and motion. They created a set of skittles out of recycled bottles to learn about ‘force’ and push and pull. They became ‘actors’ as they confidently performed a role play of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.
A definite highlight was our informative excursion to the Polly Woodside, where the students became ‘sailors’ for the day, swabbing the decks, ringing the ship’s bell and steering the helm.
Camp to Phillip Island was an exhilarating experience for the Grade 6 students as they encountered fairy penguins at the Penguin Parade and explored the fascinating exhibits at ‘A Maze N Things’.
In Maths, the students have revised concepts about Place Value and skip counting and learnt about the features of 2D and 3D shapes. The students have also revised the important skill of telling the time on an analogue clock.
The students are eagerly looking forward to the Christmas Concert and finishing off the year with their friends.
I am so proud of all the students in UPD this year and wish them all the very best for their future schooling.
It has been an exciting and productive term with lots of meaningful and engaging learning opportunities for the students in UPE. There have been so many highlights which have promoted curiosity and lots of discussion.
During the term the students have been engaged in many engrossing Language Experiences. The focus has been on “The Physical World,” where we learned about force, motion, natural resources and materials, which has seen students making cloud dough, building marble runs,making pinwheels, creating and blowing down houses made from straw, sticks and blocks and designing, making and floating/sinking boats. UPE have been on fun excursions, such as our walk to Gresswell Forest, and our trip to the Polly Woodside. We really liked ringing the bell on the ship!
In Mathematics the students have covered many areas, such as Place Value, Shape and Time, which is such an important life skill.
Fun was had by our grade 4’s and 6’s as they thoroughly enjoyed their camps. They were given opportunities to experience some new and exciting adventures. On grade 4 camp, the students built huts outside using natural materials and went on the flying fox! The grade 6’s were fortunate to visit Phillip Island and see the Penguin Parade.
Staff and students alike have enjoyed all the fun and exciting activities experienced in Term 4. Thank you to all of the parents, families and students for an amazing 2022.
Term 4 has seen students engage in many different Language Experiences, including a wonderful excursion to the Polly Woodside, as well as making a marble run and a bridge.
Our Year 4 Camp Experience to Greswell Forest saw students spend the entire day exploring the bush, hitting targets in archery and racing on the flying fox. It was great to see students try lots of new activities. We returned to school after dinner, exhausted and a little wet.
Another highlight of the term and the whole year was the amazing progress every student made in their reading and writing. They worked hard each morning to learn new sounds, blending those sounds to read words. Paula and I are so proud.
Lastly, some of our students would like to add:
Ethan: I did drums in Music. I copied the song, “Believer.”
Sienna: I liked PE. I like playing, “What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?”
Isabella: I love reading.
Cassie: I like to play with Sienna and draw.
A fantastic Term 4 in UPG, we have worked hard and had great outcomes. The excursion to Polly Woodside was a fun packed day of learning about the history of the old ship. We loved ringing the bell scrubbing the deck, steering the ship and dropping the anchor. A favourite language experience in UPG was the bridge building. We engaged with the materials and understood the shapes, this helped us build strong bridges that could withstand weight. We tested the bridges to see how strong they were.
What a wonderful term it has been with UPH! In Term 4, we focused on “The Physical World,” where we learned about force, motion, natural resources and materials. We enjoyed language experiences like making play dough, building houses out of classroom materials and testing if things float or sink.
Our grade 4’s and 6’s thoroughly enjoyed their camps and experienced some new and exciting things. On grade 4 camp, the students built huts outside using natural materials and went on the flying fox! The grade 6’s had the privilege of seeing the Penguin Parade, and also fed pelicans!
We have been on fun excursions, such as our walk to Gresswell Forest, and our trip to the Polly Woodside. We really liked ringing the bell on the ship!
Term 4 has been jam packed with fun and exciting activities which were enjoyed by staff and students alike. Thank you to all of the parents, families and students for an amazing 2022. Can’t wait for next year!
Occupational Therapist: Julia Cassin
It has been a great term of OT in Upper Primary! Students have worked hard to complete imaginative craft projects with their class groups.
Speech Therapist: Sinead O'Donnell
The students in Upper Primary have made such incredible progress with their reading and writing this semester. From sounding out words when reading to knowing how to use a conjunction in their writing, Sinead simply could not be prouder!
Rachel Morgan Maddison Byrne
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement