Physical Education and Sport
Physical Education and Sport
Prep students have enjoyed using different equipment and playing team games over the past few weeks. Playing with the parachute was definitely a highlight!
Our Grade 1/2 students have continued to learn about traditional Indigenous games and make connections about how they are similar and different to games or sports that we play today.
In Grade 3/4, students have been learning about Target Games and exploring different ways to propel an object towards a target. This has been a great opportunity for students to work on their accuracy.
Our Grade 5/6 students have concluded the year with a mix of Ultimate Frisbee clinics and class choice games. Dodgeball has certainly been a favourite!
Our Perceptual Motor Program for the Prep students has concluded for 2022. Well done to all the Preps on an amazing year, further advancing their motor skills each week. Thank you to the Grade 5/6 students for helping out, demonstrating great leadership!
I have loved being back in PE this year and am looking forward to continuing in this role next year. Have a wonderful Christmas and holiday break!
Kind regards,
Mel Layton
Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator