Parent & Friends Committee
Parent & Friends Committee
Hello super RHPS families,
Thank you so much to everyone who donated for this year's raffle. We made 21 amazing prizes! The raffle was drawn on the night and the winners have all been contacted now.
Thank you to all the lovely volunteers who came and helped in the canteen! And a massive thank you to our AMAZING teachers who ran the BBQ! The rain was less than desirable, but we all did our best and we did it with smiles!
The BBQ, canteen sales, raffle, market stalls, lucky dip and headband sales made a grand total of $2100 profit! How amazing is this! Thank you everyone.
Thank you to our very talented school community who held a stall, we loved having you there! Thank you to: Bare Hands Craft, Deb Rawnsley, Art For The Mind, NY Kitty Designs, Succulents by Kat, Kate Johnson Creates, Created to Cherish, Oma's Aprons and Uncle Mungo's Hot Sauce. Also, our very talented 2022 Art Captain who had her own stall, Ally Pfiefer.
Thanks to everyones amazing contributions throughout the year, we'd like to announce that we have raised $22,000 in the year 2022!! This money goes directly towards helping Mr Bradley pay for some grounds improvement projects that you will see around our school. This includes the new canopy shade covers, cover for the quad area, turf and running track. Please give our school community a big round of applause! This is beyond awesome!
Wowee! What a year it's been. The P&F Committee would like to say a very big and special thank you to all our wonderful school community. Your support this year has been inspiring. Thankyou to everyone who volunteered to help us at our many events we've held throughout the year. All the help is appreciated, whether it is volunteering at an event, helping tidy, setting up, sorting items or coming along to our meetings. It all helps us get these events off the ground and running so smoothly. We've said it before and I'm sure we'll say it again, the Community Spirit at RHPS is just amazing. Thank you so much everyone.
I'd also like to thank everyone who has been part of the P&F Committee in 2022, and those joining in 2023. Your endless support, effort and time is amazing and the school is lucky to have such a great support crew :)
In Term 1, we will be holding our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Colour Run will be back! As long as we can get enough helpers, we will be running the Mother's Day and Father's Day Stalls again too. The other big event on the 2023 calendar will be the Trivia Night, which will be sometime early in Term 3.
Next year, we will be advertising some of our active meetings. At these meetings we sort out Mother's Day gifts / wrap prizes / organise events / get things ready - and have a lot of fun! If formally joining the P&F is not for you, but, you'd like to come along and help with some of the jobs here and there, we'd love to have you! We will advertise dates in the newsletter and via Compass so keep your eyes out.
You can contact the office who will put you in contact with Jacinta.
You can email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com
There is Committee information and membership forms available at the office also.
Have a happy and safe Summer break everyone.
Chat in 2023,
Jacinta and the P&F team :)