Assistant Principal



                                                                   Mrs Leanne Schulz

2022 Primary School Theme

How proud parents are of their children after a full year at school!

Step Up Day 

Step-up day on Thursday was a busy day in the Primary School. We welcomed new students to the College, including our Preps for 2022. All students met their new class and teachers and spent time getting to know each other.


A lot of time and consideration was put into creating class lists and the Primary School team has worked hard to ensure students are placed in classes that best support each child’s learning needs. Some children may be emotional as we come to the end of the school year and families are encouraged to talk to their children about coping with change and help them focus on the exciting year of learning that awaits them in 2023.  

2023 Primary Staffing 

I wish to extend a very big thank you to several Primary teachers who are leaving Aitken College at the end of the school year. I thank them for their contributions to the Primary team and wish them well as they embark on new ventures. 


Mr Kyle Parkinson has spent the last 18 months teacher in Year One. He has been a dedicated and positive member of staff who has made many contributions. Kyle develops wonderful relationships with students, staff and parents and will be greatly missed by all.


Ms Carmen Mazzarotta has been at the College for 20 years as a Primary Visual Arts and RVE teacher. Her passion and commitment are outstanding. Carmen always has the students’ best interests at heart and shows such care for her students. She will be sadly missed and will hold fond memories in the hearts of many students, teachers and parents. 


Ms Mona Harsan has embraced the role as a Year 1 and Year 2 French teacher for a number of years. Many students will have fond memories of Bastille Day where they got to dress up in berets, eat croissants and drink hot chocolate. Mona brings her love of languages and teaching to every class, and we thank her for her positivity and dedication to her students. 


Ms Brigitte Seivers has been a valued member of the PE Faculty for many years. Brigitte has worked tirelessly to support the physical education of many primary students. She has also done an amazing job jointly coordinating the Year 5/6 Sport Program. Brigitte’s positive attitude and hard work will be greatly missed. 


Mr Ron Rees has done a brilliant job throughout the year as the Primary Tutor for students in Years 1-3. He has worked with small groups of students all year to give them specific literacy support. Ron will be greatly missed by all and we wish him well. 

Staff new to the Primary School in 2023 

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new Primary staff for 2023:

  • Mrs Simone Bailey who will be joining the Year 1 team
  • Mrs Brigitte Riscica who will be joining the Year 4 team
  • Mr Joan Martinez who will be joining Ms Monroy in teaching Spanish in the Primary School
  • Mrs Anna Pietrolungo who will be teaching Primary Art with Ms Fisher

The Primary Leadership Team for 2023

Assistant Principal (Primary)Mrs Leanne Schulz                                                
Deputy Head of Primary Ms Megan Williams 
Head of Year PrepMrs Natasha Radley 
Head of Year 1 and 2Mr Jevon Scandrett 
Head of Year 3 and 4Mrs Anne Adams 
Head of Year 5 and 6Mr Nigel Keegan

Prep News

Mrs Natasha Radley (Prep AHOS)


What a wonderful year it has been in Prep. The students have been amazing and so inquisitive. I really have had such a fun time watching all of the children grow in their learning (and height)! Thank you to all of the amazing Prep families for helping make this year a memorable first year for the Prep students. Thank you also to the fabulous Prep team in making this year amazing and wonderful.


The last couple of weeks in Prep have been more relaxed. Chippy the Elf visited each day in different rooms, getting up to some mischief! The students took delight in finding him each day and discussing where they think he may go the next day. The Prep students also enjoyed learning a new Christmas song called “A Gift for Santa” and performed it at the final Fairview Assembly. 


Even with all the hype of finishing the year and Christmas, students insisted on writing daily, for their love of writing has come so far thanks to their amazing teachers. 


I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and enjoy the holiday season. See you next year! 

Year 1 and 2 News

Mr Jevon Scandrett (Year 1/2 AHOS)


It is hard to believe we have reached the end of 2022. This year has certainly been filled with many enjoyable moments alongside the hard work of our wonderful students. I would like to take this opportunity to thank families for their continued support this year. I would also like to extend an enormous thank you to the Year 1 and Year 2 team for their commitment to providing exceptional learning opportunities each day.


In the final weeks of school, students in Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed many magnificent activities. A highlight was certainly the ice cream truck where students were able to celebrate together in recognition of a wonderful year of learning. Students also enjoyed preparing our carols for the final Fairview assembly for 2022. 


Year 1 Information Report Presentations 

On Wednesday 7 December, Year 1 students invited their families into the classroom for the afternoon to showcase their information reports on a variety of animals. Parents had the opportunity to scan QR codes for each report which would link to a recording of the student reading the report out loud. The Year 1 teachers worked hard to put this afternoon together. It was wonderful for students, teachers and families to share in the learning together!


Year 2 History Box Incursion 

On Monday 5 December, Year 2 students were lucky to participate in a wonderful incursion with the team from the History Box. Students were given the opportunity to explore toys and objects from the past in hands on learning experiences. The sessions were enjoyed by all, and it was certainly a wonderful way to begin the final week of school for 2022. 


I wish families a safe and happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in 2023! 

Year 3 and 4 News

Mrs Anne Adams (Year 3/4 AHOS)


The last two weeks have been filled with many activities such as book launches with Adam Wallace and Adrian Beck, ice cream treats, the Christmas Service and the Funhelen Festival. The year has quickly come to a close.


A huge congratulations to Arya in Year 3. Arya entered the RSPCA ‘Pawsome Writing Competition’ and was shortlisted! A fantastic effort, Arya!


I would like to thank the teachers of Years 3 and Year 4 for all of their dedication and hard work. It’s wonderful to see how far the students have come when we think back to the beginning of the year. I would also like to thank all the parents for your support throughout the year. Working as a team makes the most impact when working with the students. On behalf of the Year 3 and Year 4 team, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a restful and safe New Year. Here are some student highlight0s: 


I really love working in groups because I am with my friends. We can work together and it’s fun. We work together in maths, integrated studies and performing arts. We put ourselves into groups or the teacher does.  John V - 3A


We play soccer on the ‘Juicy.’ We make fair teams by getting the captains or the teacher to help us have the same number of players. We are all very good at soccer and I love playing it.  William M - 3A


The authors were so fun. They drew a dog with their eyes closed. We had to choose the best drawing. Adam Wallace won. They are releasing new books. Adrain Beck wrote ‘Real Pigeons’ and wrote a new pigeon’s book. Melody M - 3A


Funhelen was fun because there were different activities. My favourite was buying the bracelets and the popcorn. The fairy floss line was very very long. Monique G - 3A 


I entered the RSPCA writing competition. I got an email saying that I was shortlisted. My mum, dad and myself went to the award ceremony. There were guest authors there. I didn’t win, but it was great to do. Arya K - 3R


Funhelen was great because there was lots of popcorn, sausages, croissants, temporary tattoos, hairbraiding and cotton candy. I like the bracelets because they had different colours. I went home with my hair braided. Mum and dad were asking me ‘Who braided your hair?’ Chloe P - 3R


The book launch was really good. I liked Adrien Beck. He wrote ‘Furball, Spy Cat’. I like this book because it has lazy cat who is a spy. It has humour and action in the book. I want to order this book. Dylan B - 3T


The zoo was enjoyable. We learnt about the history of the animals and the Indigenous stories from the Dreamtime. I also enjoyed writing poetry with alliterations like ‘flying, frolicking and falling.’ Elijah M - 3T


I loved camp. It was amazing! I loved all the activites and my favourite is the flying fox because it was scary but exciting at the same time. Jasvir S - 4J


I loved camp too. The maze was my favourite. In the maze I ran around and completing the quiz game. I love doing puzzles. I was with my friends in my group. It was great being with my friends. The boys won. It was boys versus the girls. Reanna R - 4J


I love the sport facilities here. I love the futsal court especially. The goals are professional and there is pitch lining. I am soccer crazy. Usually everyone plays fair. We try to sort it out and sometimes the teacher helps. Teachers sometimes give yellow and red cards. Fateh R - 4J 


I arrived in Term 3 in the middle of the term. I had more company as some friends came too at the same time. Some of the work we have done, as we learnt it at Kilmore. Some work we have missed. I have made more friends now and we play downball together. Mahrukh M - 4M 


I loved the athletics carnival. Everybody got to be sporty and chose the events they wanted to be in. I got to sit with my friends. I won three first and one second place medal. I was the field champion for the boys for Year 4. Noah G - 4M 


When I went to the District running relay, I was nervous but we managed come third. My dream is to become the next female Usain Bolt. I am going to join athletics outside of school now. I found something that I really love to do. Ella F - 4M 


I enjoyed camp, especially when we went canoeing. We got to race and play the duck game. You have to collect as many rubber ducks out of the water as you can and put them on the back of your canoe. Mrs. Adams and I were winning at the beginning, but then everyone came after us. I also liked the flying fox. I was scared at the start but after I did it, it actually wasn’t that bad. Matilda M - 4S 


I loved camp. We played lazer tag and canoeing which were my favourite. Isaiah hid the ducks in the canoeing game. It was really funny. Also, when we had water balloons we threw them at the teachers. Ruzgar B - 4S 


I loved playing with my friends. Sometimes we play cricket and sometimes we play hide and seek tag. I love being outside. Over the holidays my friends will come over to my house.Luca H - 4S

Year 5 and 6 News

Mr Nigel Keegan (Year 5/6 AHOS)


What a year it has been! Congratulations to our Year 5 and Year 6 students for the level of effort and commitment to your learning applied throughout the year. Special mention goes to our many new students on how well you have transitioned to Aitken this year. We are thankful for the many excellent learning opportunities and experiences of 2022. 


Year 5 favourite learning experiences:   

  • Sovereign Hill excursion 
  • Year 5&6 Sport 
  • Term 4 tennis incursions  
  • Creating picture Story books 
  • Studying animal adaptations 
  • Sport carnivals  
  • Immigration Museum excursion  
  • Bookweek  
  • Writing, especially our poetry unit  
  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program 
  • Cumberland Concert  

Year 6 favourite learning experiences:  

  • Sport Carnivals 
  • Science experiments 
  • Leadership opportunities 
  • Film and novel studies  
  • Funfields excursion  
  • Interschool Sport 
  • Celebration Night 
  • Incursions such as the RFD and Life Education   
  • Peer Support and Buddies 
  • Cumberland Concert  
  • Christmas end of year activities 

Thank you to students for your contributions to what has been a fantastic year, and to parents for all your support. Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas and holiday season.

Year 6 Celebration Evening 

The Year 6 Celebration Evening was entertaining and heart-warming! The Year 6 students presented their reflections of their primary years and entertained families with some outstanding performances. Each student was awarded a certificate to commemorate their precious years in Fairview and Cumberland. The Year 6 cohort have been incredible leaders of the Primary School and are a credit to their families. They are kind, caring, compassionate and hard- working students who have been a pleasure to teach and get to know. The staff and I wish them well with their transition to high school.


I would like to say a very big thank you to Michael Cooper, Nigel Keegan, Joanne Birchmore, Emma Dowling, Isabel Monroy, Megan Williams, Cathy Manariti and Rezz Ufacikligil for organising such an outstanding presentation and evening. We are all very proud of our Year 6 students. 

Presentation Night and Final Assembly 

During Presentation Night, Cumberland students received Academic Colours and Encouragement Awards. Well done to all who worked consistently hard throughout the year to achieve such excellent results.


How wonderful it was to have Final Assemblies in the Chapel and Performing Arts Centre for Fairview and Cumberland.


At the Final Assemblies, we were entertained by Aaliyah and Jessica who sang beautifully. Thank you for such an entertaining performance. 


Many awards were presented to students. The awards included Sport, House, Service and Cultural Colours and 2022 Year 6 Captains. Congratulations to all the students who received an award.


The new Year 6 2023 Primary Captains were also announced. Congratulations to the following Leadership Team: 

 School Captains  Akshaj M and Mia P                                                                
 Performing Arts Captains  Aaliyah C and Jessica M
 Community Service Captains    Harper G and Uvinyaa W
 Environment Captains  Reuben T and Sayuni M
 Sports Captains  Charlie D and Jasmina M
 Brodie House Captains  Thisen H and Sariah E                                             
 Cameron House Captains  Thimath B and Holly S
 Clarke House Captains  Laksh  and Sara T
 Millar House Captains  Shorya M and Dilara E
Library Monitors    Liya G, Himaya C and  Declan K 

Hume City Council Awards

Congratulations to Moussa H in 6P for receiving the Hume City Council Award 2022!  Moussa received the award for demonstrating the following: 

  • Consistently demonstrating the qualities of good citizenship.  
  • Being kind, caring, considerate and respectful of his peers and adults alike.  
  • Working hard to achieve his goals, being well organised, attentive, and managing his time effectively.  
  • Demonstrating the College values of compassion, honesty, integrity, kindness, and respect.
  • Being a positive, responsible, and valued member of Year 6 and the wider school community at Aitken College.

Congratulations to Roman P for receiving a Young Leaders Award from the Hume City Council. Roman received the award for: 

  • Representing the College well as the Year 6 Community Service Captain at Aitken College.  
  • Representing the College as part of the Battle for Australia service at the Shrine of Remembrance and other College events. 
  • Being a positive role model for others, responsible, hard-working, passionate, and committed to serving others, including organizing several fund raisers over the years. 
  • Consistently displaying the College values of honesty, kindness, compassion, respect and integrity.

In the Spirit of Giving at Christmas 

Rather than students receiving a token gift at the end of the school year, the teachers and classes in Cumberland researched charities and decided to give a $200 donation to charities, from the College. Giving to others is an important Christmas message.


I would like to thank all the Cumberland students for showing compassion and giving to others by donating to several charities. 


Each student as a parting gift for the year was given a certificate acknowledging their generosity. 

  • Year 3:  WWF - Save the Koalas 
  • Year 4:  WWF  -Save the Koalas 
  • Year 5:  Royal Children’s Hospital 
  • Year 6:  Second Chance Animal Rescue 

Christmas Wishes 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the families for such wonderful support throughout the year. It is always very much appreciated. The staff and I are looking forward to continuing to build positive partnerships with families in 2023.


I would also like to thank the wonderful Primary staff that we have for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. We are all very blessed to have such skilled and caring teachers. Finally, I would like to thank all the wonderful students we have in the Primary School. They are kind, thoughtful and caring towards each other. They all work so hard and always strive to be the best people they can be. We are all very proud of them and are very blessed!


I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. On behalf of the Primary staff and myself, thank you for the support and take care over the Christmas break!