Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
As Christmas approaches, we take time to reflect on the gift God gave us, of his own son, Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to also use this as a time of giving- not just gifts but reaching out to others, perhaps those less fortunate than yourself. It doesn’t need much, sometimes just a kind word, spending time with a friend or showing your family that you love and appreciate them. As the College winds down for the break, I wish you and your family a happy, safe and holy Christmas and look forward to a wonderful 2023 ahead.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our Aitken Community.
Carols service on the Green Grass
Thank you to those families who joined us for Carols on the Green and for the Interactors who supplied sausages and drinks.
Presentation Night and Final Assemblies
Having both an in-person and live-streamed event enabled us to share student achievements with families and thank staff and Board members for their contributions during 2022. We congratulate all students who received awards. Something for all students to aspire to. Award winners are listed on the next page.
The key takeaway for students was the focus on story telling and how they should use the time over the holidays to ask grandparents, aunts and uncles and other special people in their lives to tell them their stories.
We thank the following staff who are completing contracts with the College: Ms Anthea Heiniger, Mrs Aine O’Neill, Mr Andrew Pharoah, Ms Joan Robinson, Ms Gaby Plummer, Mr Ron Rees, and Mr Rhys Sweatman, Mrs Amanda Taylor and Ms Kaltun Omar.
We wish the following staff all the best as the move to new opportunities: Ms Jacky Armstrong, Mr Tassie Eleftherou, Ms Mona Harsan Ms Marina Markolefas, Mrs Carmen Mazzarotta, Mr David Murphy, Mr Kyle Parkinson, Mr Michael Patchell, Mr Ben Prentice, Mrs Francis Scuderi, Ms Brigitte Seivers and Ms Jade Talbot. These staff have made great contributions to Aitken College and we thank them for making the school the great place that it is. In particular, I would like to thank Mr Murphy and Mrs Scuderi for their leadership as Heads of School.
A number of staff are retiring to enjoy time with families, travel and pursue hobbies. They have all made wonderful contributions as educators over many decades, taught many students and will be remembered fondly: Mrs Rhonda Edmonds, Mrs Michelle McKay, Mrs Jenny Shipp, Ms Sally Snowden and Mrs Elsa Tsalapataris.
Ms Gail Sims and Ms Olivia Grbac will be taking long service leave in the new year.
Capital Works
Over the holidays a number of civil projects will be underway to attend to carpark and roadway, playgrounds and demolition of the Prep – 2. We have also been advised that there will be works on Mickleham Road and at our intersection.