Chaplain's Corner

On Saturday mornings I regularly go for a 3-4 hour bicycle ride and last weekend was the first warm day of the summer following a very wet and cool spring. I enjoy the exercise and getting out onto trails to breath in the fresh air and take in our wonderful nature. It gives me some time out each week, when I can be with my own thoughts and do some processing. I wonder when and if you get that time out or get some physical exercise in? Feel free to have a chat with me about this.
Advent is a time in which we are invited to slow down and prepare for Christmas – that is the coming of the Emmanuel (God with us). In celebrating the coming of Jesus we are invited to share in the Christian values of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These are shared values that we live as families and as communities, making for a more positive world. We have explored the Advent themes and values each week concluding with Christmas Chapel (5 Dec) which included Christmas carols, children doing a dramatic reading of the nativity story and the Songsters singing “Away in a manager” and the Australian “12 Days of Christmas”.
We have also enjoyed singing several Christmas Carols at the ROC community event on 1 December, where we shared in a shortened form of the traditional Carols and Lessons.
Christmas blessings as you celebrate Christmas in your own tradition, which I am sure will include much food!
The Giving Tree
Thank you to all those who have donated and placed gifts under the Giving Tree. Together we have collected some 25 boxes worth of toys, food and toiletries that have been donated to the Emergency Relief program at Uniting Vic/Tas in Camp Road, Broadmeadows. When delivering the goods, I received such a heartfelt thanks from the staff and volunteers as this was the biggest donation they had received so far. Thanks again for your donations which will brighten up the Christmas of many who are in great need!
Merry Christmas and blessings for 2023!
Rev. Gavin Blakemore