Sustainability and Agriculture

5 Star Sustainability
Earlier this month Aitken College had a visit from Sustainability Victoria as we try and achieve our 5-star certification. Dominique Dybala (Sustainability Victoria) was taken on a tour of the school by our Sustainability Leaders to illustrate how sustainability is embedded within the school community.
5 Star sustainability certification is awarded to schools that have:
- Fully embedded sustainability in everything they do with ongoing, proven results.
- Demonstrated leadership in the school and education community: mentoring, sharing stories, attending conferences, hosting teacher network meetings and engaging with other environmental groups.
- Completed each of the five modules (core, biodiversity, energy, waste and water) and
- Ben at or below benchmark for each resource module.
Dominique was very impressed with what Aitken College does in relation to sustainability and we eagerly await the outcome.
Mr Dwayne Ganci
Sustainability Coordinator