
2022 RMIT Future Finder excursion
A terrific excursion to RMIT with the 2023 Year 12 cohort students took place during Early Commencement. It was designed to kickstart the thinking process of students for some of the big decisions they will need to make in Year 12 and beyond. The excursion successfully provided students with an insight to tertiary life. It also alerted them to possible options available at RMIT. Two of the learning outcomes for this excursion were for students to display organisation and time management skills by organising their own transport and transport plan; that is, getting themselves to RMIT on time, finding their way around the campus and returning to the main lecture theatre on time after the morning tea and lunch breaks. In the main, students managed this very well. These are examples of some of the ‘soft skills’ which are very necessary for success in ‘life beyond Aitken’ and are highly prized by employers. They are, therefore, important skills to develop. In addition, students are now better prepared to attend the Open Days at tertiary institutions which occur during Term 3 each year, allowing them to get the most out of their time on a campus.
Our students listened to a general presentation on tertiary education and an introduction to studying at RMIT. As RMIT is a dual sector institution, the excursion provided students with an understanding of both TAFE / Vocational education opportunities and options for higher education study and their overlap and the many excellent pathways available between the two sectors. Students also learned about opportunities for Work Integrated Learning, study abroad and exchange possibilities and the differences between studying at TAFE and studying at university. They then chose 2 out of a possible 4 seminars to attend to have an in depth look at particular areas of study.
The students especially enjoyed the opportunity to travel to the excursion independently and be part of a more adult environment. They also found learning about pathway courses very helpful. Many are now able to say either, that they have a strong interest in attending RMIT, or that RMIT is not the “right” institution for them. This significantly advances their career and course research regarding options for pathways after Year 12.
Thank you to all the students who attended the excursion and listened so respectfully to the presentations. You represented the College beautifully. Thank you also to the Aitken staff who assisted on the day and contributed to making the event such a success.
Year 12 Results
Year 12 Results will be released to students on December 12 at 7.00am. Good luck to the Class of 2022 as they await these results. We hope you are all delighted with your achievements and feel positive about your resilience and survival over the two years of your VCE program. We congratulate all of the Year 12 Class of 2022 on safely reaching this point in the year.
All VCE students who are applying for courses through VTAC and have paid the VTAC course application fee will automatically receive a printed ATAR statement if they qualify for an ATAR. This is mailed to the postal address listed on your VTAC account.
Students who are not applying through VTAC can still access their ATAR and VCE results online, free of charge, at the Results and ATAR website. If you wish to purchase a printed ATAR statement, you can do so by using the Request for VTAC Documentation form after results are released on Monday 12 December.
Change of preference closes at 4:00pm on Wednesday 14 December. Tertiary institutions provide a range of seminars, workshops and hotlines to assist applicants with changing their preferences. In addition, a pack of information about accessing VCE Results and the ATAR, the timeline from the Careers perspective for the remainder of this year (including December 2022 Round offers) through to offers in January / February of 2023, Change of Preference details and the availability of Careers staff after the release of VCE Results has been mailed home to all the Year 12 students. If you did not receive your pack, please get in touch and we will arrange for a replacement.
Christmas and Holiday Good Wishes
Careers staff would like to wish all our Year 12 students a restful and happy break before they embark on their life beyond Aitken. You have done an amazing job to reach the end of the 2022 academic year after a very difficult, exhausting and challenging 12 months.
Warmest wishes from B21 to all the Aitken College community for a peaceful break and a safe, healthy and very happy Christmas period.
Career News 19
Career News Issue 19 is now available. It includes information about:
- The University of Melbourne Change of Preference Expo
- Spotlight on Agriculture
- The MySci program at Monash University
- Useful resources from Monash University
- Change of Preference events at La Trobe University
- VU webinars
- VU’s ATAR and non ATAR courses
- The VU Block Model and Frequently Asked Questions
- The Learn to Earn program at William Angliss
and more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2022 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors