From the Principal

From the Principal Team

Term 3 continues to fly by with many examples of why l am proud to be connected with this wonderful Lakes community. I have to say that our students have been extremely settled and conscientious and continue to strive for the best versions of themselves with positive conversations and school values on display throughout the day. This is credit to our hard working teachers who continue to model these behaviours within their classrooms. Students having clearly defined expectations, and there is a commitment by all to learning and getting the best outcomes for our students.

Week 4 has seen a range of different student based activities and highlights happening at The Lakes.

In Prep, during their inquiry sessions, students have been learning about toys. The students have been looking at toys from the past compared to toys they play with now.  In Week 5,  students will be involved in an incursion to learn more about toys from the past.  They really loved making their own toy helicopters and watching them fly, as they dropped them from higher up in the air they spun around really fast and looked amazing.  The Preps have also loved the new Coles mini shop that is set up in our Prep area.  They have been learning to take turns through playing and have been talking about money and how to use their manners when they are buying something from the shop.  If parents have any Coles minis to donate to our shop it would be greatly appreciated.  Please speak to one of the Prep teachers or Karen in the office for further information.

It was great to be a part of the Year One classroom for a few sessions this week where students were learning about fractions with a focus on using correct language when describing the fractions. Another highlight has been the Year 1 students participating over the past three weeks in a program called “learn to be safe with Emmy and friends”. During this time they have been learning about their emotions and identifying safe/unsafe behaviours and how to regulate these emotions. The students are really enjoying the sessions and have learnt a lot of important skills.

This week the Year Twos have been learning about different mixtures and states of matter in their Inquiry Unit - 'All Mixed Up'. The students investigated different mixtures, such as cereal, shampoo and salad dressing and mixed these ingredients together to see if they mix and whether they can be separated afterwards. They are learning how there are many kinds of mixtures for cooking, such as ingredients that come together in a recipe, for play, such as mixtures that make slime and play dough and mixtures in science that come together in experiments. What a wonderful experience!

The Year Three students have just finished their unit on fractions and have now begun extending their knowledge of place value. In Literacy the students have been very focused during independent reading time choosing books of their choice to enjoy as well as exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts during reading tasks. In Inquiry, students have been building upon their knowledge of rules and laws and the consequences of when these are not followed or in place.

The Year Four students have been busy researching and writing their information reports on their chosen topic. They have had more of an opportunity to drive their own learning this term in our literacy lesson model and this has created a learning environment where students are excited and highly engaged. The students are investigating indigenous Australia and particular students have really enjoyed building their leadership by assisting with the Pre Prep program on Friday mornings. What wonderful and thoughtful young leaders we have in Year Four.

Just a reminder that breakfast club is in full swing on both Campuses. An increasing number of students are attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:15am which is pleasing. This is a great way for students to fuel up before a big day of learning.

A quick reminder to parents regarding correct school uniform. Warm clothing for students on cold days is essential but please keep in mind that it needs to continue to be the correct school uniform. We try our best to support families and students during these cold times but it is important that students adhere to our school uniform policy. Any issues, please come and speak to myself or Chris.

A reminder to families who have been randomly selected to complete the Parent Opinion Survey you still have a few days to complete it before the August 18th deadline. This is critical in the direction of our school and any forward planning for the school. Thank you to parents who have completed this already.

Please be reminded that next Friday 16th August is a curriculum day where students are not required at school. This is an important day for teachers to gain knowledge to support our wonderful students here at The Lakes. School will return to normal on the Monday 19th August.

Be safe and have a wonderful weekend.


From the College Principal

Ice is in the air as our weather continues to be bitter but the warmth of Lakes life keeps us focused and enjoying our learning.


We have been advised that our new name has been registered and as from July 25th we will be known as The Lakes South Morang College. Some new banners will be placed on the fences announcing the new Primary Campus and the Secondary Campus. As The Lakes makes these transitions many things need to be updated and I am excited as we move into the next phase of learning for our community.


We need your help!

School Council has four parent vacancies and we urge you to consider this opportunity to influence school policy and culture.  Please contact the school if you are interested, or would like further information, we need you.


We have had great media coverage this week with a story on our Volleyball success in the Whittlesea Leader and The Herald Sun online. We have also celebrated Principal’s Day with some great acknowledgement of the work of my team last Friday. Thank you.


We will be undertaking a promotional letterbox drop on the east side of Plenty Rd and we are continuing to engage with transport agencies to get buses in.


Today Bill and I attended the Whittlesea Principal’s conference which was focused on Student Agency. We have had an amazing experience seeing what a positive journey we are on. This was demonstrated in our absence by a group of students who hosted six staff from Point Cook P-9 School and shared the journey they had in the Our Minds our World - Community Safety Project.


Thank you to our families and friends on the amazing commentary on our Facebook posts, please continue to use this forum to support each other and celebrate our great school.


Enjoy your weekend.


Your College Principal

