Pupils of the Week

These students will be awarded their certificates at the following assemblies:

Monday 22nd May

Sakura F (12A) - For making an effort to do her Personal Best in class.  Sakura has been very focused in class and tries hard to finish all of her work.  Great job!

Jairav S (12B) - For showing leadership skills when working in a group and with others.  You do your Personal Best and support others to do theirs.

Tamieka G (12C) - For showing your Personal Best in all areas of your school work.  You have been working extremely hard and you should be very proud of yourself.

Liam B (12C) - For his excellent 'Welcome to my Special Place' writing.  His writing was thoughtful and very welcoming.  Congratulations, Liam.

Jacob S (34B) - For showing outstanding Attentive Listening skills in all of his lessons.  Jacob also always tries his Personal Best in everything he does.  Well done on being such a wonderful student!

Monday 29th May

Nate H (12A) - For doing his Personal Best to make sure his sotires include great detail and are exciting for his audience.  Keep it up, Nate!

Abby H (12B) - For working hard on your reading and focusing on your reading goal.  You have made wonderful improvements in your fluency and accuracy.  Well done.

Lincoln H (12C) - For the improvement he has shown in his behaviour.  Lincoln has been trying his Personal Best at being respectful.  Well done.

Sophie B (12C) - For showing excellent improvement in your behaviour in our classroom.  It's great to see you so focused on tasks.

Kaden I (34B) - For doing his Personal Best in everything he does.  Kaden is working hard in class and staying focused on his learning.  Well done, Kaden, keep up the good work!