Poets' Corner

Mouse Poem

Quiet and still,

Hiding in darkness with,

Sharp claws scratching the ground,

Each step quiet, quiet as a Mouse,

Its long tail drags behind swiftly,

Small constant steps.

As the smell grows,

The little grey ball hurries,

Sharp claws wrap around the strong scented food,

Its small sharp pointy teeth nibble,

It quickly moves back to its small home,

In the peep of darkness,

It makes a high pitched squeak,

The mouse is safe from fear.

Olivia Dibben



Snowflakes in the Winter,

Fall softly to the ground

As they sparkle and glisten



Trees turning into flames

Glowing red, orange, yellow

Autumn has arrived


Haiku – Summer

Summer is the best

Never running out of sun

Always having fun


Haiku – Spring

The flowers bloomed

The stream drizzled past

As the time went by

Piper Gledhill

The Ocean

The ocean is a friend

Beguiling and beckoning

On her I can depend

She gleams and glimmers


The ocean is a monster

The waves roar like a lion

The unforgiving water

Dumbs and devours me

Sienna Patane