Deputy Principal - Identity and Religious Life of the College

Laudato si' Week

“Saint Francis is the example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically … He shows us just how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace.” (Laudato si’, 10)


This week we have joined in the global Catholic celebration of Laudato si’ Week that marks the fifth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’s encyclical on the care for our common home.  Our prayers, reflections, and activities this week have reminded us of a foundational dimension of Franciscan spirituality: our connectedness with all people and the whole of creation.  During Assembly today, we prayed the Canticle of Creation and reflected on the centrality of La Foresta in connecting our community with the rhythms of the natural world and sustainable practices that sustain us all, especially in terms of food production, supply chains, waste minimisation, composting, recycling and the gift of chickens!  


Some of our students potted up sunflower seeds and have been given the challenge of nurturing them into the Season of Creation in September, a time of ecumenical prayer and action to protect our environment.  

There is so much to do to address the great moral challenge of our day; however, there is so much we can celebrate.  I see great hope, not in government, but in individuals and families who, day in and day out, commit to live more simply, more sustainably, and more justly. 


Common Prayer for the Fifth Anniversary of Laudato si’

Pope Francis has invited Catholics from all across the globe to unite in prayer at twelve noon on Sunday 24 May.  The Common Prayer for the fifth anniversary of Laudato si’ can be accessed on the Laudato Si' Week website and via the Community Spirit section of the Community Zone.

National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

This coming week is a significant one for our nation as we mark Sorry Day and the commencement of National Reconciliation Week.  National Sorry Day, held on 26 May each year, acknowledges members of the Stolen Generations.  It marks the date, in 1997, that the Bringing Them Home Report was presented to Parliament and revealed the sad and painful stories of the removal of thousands of Aboriginal children from their families. National Reconciliation Week falls between 27 May and 3 June, two other significant dates in the relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians: the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum and Mabo Day, the anniversary of the 1992 High Court judgment in the Mabo case.  This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Reconciliation walks of 2000, when people came together to walk on bridges and roads across the nation and showed their support for a more reconciled Australia.  The theme for this year - In This Together - reminds us that every one of us has a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, and cultures.  

Our prayer focus in Home Room and Assembly will focus on the significance of these days for each of us and our nation.  We will also launch our new course on Moodle, Aborigiinal and Torres Strait Islander Learning from Home, that has been prepared by Mrs Shauna King.  It contains some great resources.  Thank you, Mrs King! 


Thank You for Your Support

On assembly last Thursday, Ella Dawes, our Outreach Captain, launched our Elizabeth Hayes Week charitable giving project in support of the West End Community House.  Over the past week, staff and students have generously contributed non-perishable food and grocery items that will be well received by homeless people and people at risk who access the services provided by the Community House.  As you know, given the current circumstances, so many people are doing it tough and the need is great.  We will be delivering the donated items tomorrow morning. 


Upcoming Dates

Saturday 23 May: Dedication of the Basilica in Assisi 1253

Sunday 24 May: 12 noon, Global Prayer for Solidarity 

Tuesday 26 May: National Sorry Day

Wednesday 27 May – Wednesday 3 June: National Reconciliation Week

Friday 5 June: World Environment Day

Saturday 13 June: Feast of St Anthony of Padua

Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 June: Refugee Week

Saturday 20 June: World Refugee Day

Richard Rogusz