House Reports


The end of the year in Childers has marked a time of change, adapting and looking forward to an exciting future ahead in 2019!


The year 12s have finished their exams and were farewelled at Graduation night with a rousing rendition of “A Million Dreams” from the ‘Greatest Showman’ performed by Dave Clift, Emma Miller (past Childerians), Wendy Makenzie and Arwen Bounds (present Childerians!). Also, huge congratulations to Caleb Stewart who won the prestigious Jenny Ponting Real Life Award. We wish the Graduating class all the best for what the future holds – remember to approach the challenges ahead with ‘Courage, Compassion and Commitment to Community!’


Our new leadership team has already been hard at work preparing for next year while at Leadership Camp, and played a huge role in the organisation of our Childers House Celebration day! The 2019 Childers Leadership Team includes: Captains – Meg Reuel and Mitch Colson. Senior School – Ali Rowe, Ellen Holdway, Jake Mathews, Samara Howie and Sophie O’Brien. Middle School – Cassidy Jamieson, Charles Patterson, Hollie Burgess, Jaxon Halliday, Sam Cargeeg and Tess O’Connor. Junior School – Arwen Bounds, Brady Keegan, Olivia Holdway, Laura Lee and Taz Reuel.


The Childers Celebration activities were awaited with much mystery and anticipation! Finally – all was revealed and the staff and students alike enjoyed an amazing afternoon! We played fun games, such as the Christmas themed chocolate game and capture the flag. We enjoyed a delicious BBQ and soft drinks. We then made our way to the oval for what can only be described as “KAOS”! An amazing activity full of challenges involving team work – such as “Giant Cheer Pong”, “Tunnel Ball”, “Egg Toss”, Tongue twisters and more! The end objective was then to cover your entire team in shaving cream! The year 8 boys were this year’s winners – but I think some of the staff deserve an honourable mention as well! Sprinklers then provided the shower we needed before getting changed and winding up the day with some awards.


Caleb Stewart received the Leadership Award.

Sarah Wallace received the Spirit Award.

Meg Reuel received the Citizenship Award.

Congratulations to all on a fantastic year! 


7B Humanities

We learnt about Mina Guli and that she ran marathons to raise awareness about countries not having clean water and we also learnt about waterborne diseases and how they affect you. Our group used Google Docs and that helped us work when we were away. 

The best thing about belfast this year was that the teachers were nice and encouraging and the students are nice and not mean.

By Josh and Jacob


Water rap reflection.

In the the making of our water rap we had to figure out what we wanted the lyrics to be and how we were going to make them up. It was a long process to finish it. We had to make sure you could hear us and there wasn’t to much wind and that the lyrics made sense and rhymed. It was a team effort to make the lyrics and the beat, and made sure we were happy with our end result. Whilst planning the rap we had to research parts of our raps such as, Mina Guli, a disease, water cycle and what we use water for. It was a tough challenge but in the end it furthered our knowledge. In our group we had Elli Peake, Akira Earnshaw and Bella McKendry. We all brought something to the table to make our rap the best it could be.

What we all love about belfast is the fun activities we get to participate in, in our tutes like games, videos, activities and more.

 By Akira,Bella and Elli



Water Rap reflection - This task taught us to work in teams and create content that we were proud of. During the time given, we had to research about water, plan our lyrics, storyboard and film the video. This challenged our teamwork and our ability to communicate with each other. It tested our knowledge of editing and persistence. We really enjoyed this activity and we thought it was challenging.

We liked Belfast this year because all the people that are in Belfast plus all the students and teachers that support us in what we do. We also like all the activities that we have done.

Izzy Lenehan, Janaya Van Andel, Emily Huismann and Sophie Sully


In Humanities for Term 4, we have been learning about water and everything to do with it. For our main task surrounding water we had to present a rap which incorporated everything we had learnt throughout the term. The process we undertook to develop the rap started with creating the lyrics for the song, making a beat from scratch, creating a storyboard for the scenes we would film, filming the rap and finally editing to create the final product. Through this task we extended upon and built skills such as teamwork, adapting to change, how to create a song with a video clip as well as learning how to actually rap. We learnt about waterborne diseases and how they affect certain communities in foreign countries, we also learnt about people such as Mina Guli who are doing their best to improve water in developing countries. Through working as a team which included Shaun Sun, Luca, Prannoy and Blair, we learnt many skills and also learnt a lot about the topic.

Blair, Luca, Shaun and Prannoy




Our water rap includes many processes, we all believe that we learnt many new things about rapping, editing, filming and that you need high communication to succeed. We started with writing our rap which went through many editing processes and always changing for it to be better. We then created a storyboard to show what scene is what and where and what we will be saying. After was time to rap, we filmed in many places around the school, then was the hardest part, editing. We worked as a team pretty well, even with people missing most of the time. Mina Guli was something/someone who we had to include in our rap, she is a very inspirational personal, if you didn’t know she runs for her campaign Thirst, Mina ran for 42 days straight to raise money.

The best thing about Belfast this year was the Belfast celebration day because we just had a boundary at Lake Pertobe that we had to stay within but other than that we could just roam around and do all different activities there was no reason to be bored.

By Halle, Meg and Jorja



We learnt a few skills while making this water rap. We learnt how to rap, how to edit and how to film properly. The process was pretty simple process but it took a while to complete. First we completed a script then we did our storyboard. After our storyboard was complete we started to film our amazing water rap. After our water rap was filmed we edited our rap together. Then after that our rap was finished all we needed to do was present our inspiring water rap. In our rap we had to include; a water borne disease, Mr Finn, Mina Guli and everyone in our group. We had to stay positive and we had to communicate. We think that we did pretty good.

Arjay Iggy and nick



During the process of making our water rap we learnt lots about water and how it affects our body. We learnt about Mina Guli who runs for water and about how she has a campaign about water. We have learnt rapping skills and how it’s good to communicate with others. We have enjoyed creating a water rap because we feel we have developed our skills as we now know that diseases don’t just come and go. You to take care of you body. Rapping has been a struggle in our group but having each others support has had a positive outcome because we have a new experience that we can rap a little bit better then when we started.

The best thing about Belfast this year was all the activities we got involved in with all the other students in Belfast.

Alice, Lacey, Ruby and Izzy.D