From the Principal

Ivanhoe Primary School Principal

Welcome to IPS

Dear community, 


Teachers and staff have never worked so hard to navigate these uncharted waters of remote learning, maintaining contact, providing feedback and support etc but it is paying off as we all become just a little more confident in managing this new way of school.

Parents and students are to be commended for not giving in and

persevering and in a greater number of instances finding success.


One thing I am sure of is that "remote school" will not be the case forever and as the situation develops I will keep you in the loop regarding changes to school that may impact you and your family.


In order to support families we have been loaning out the schools fleet of laptops, purchasing a limited number of internet devices and looking into how we can increase our IT support utilising our skeleton crew. Our anticipated budgets across the school have taken a substantial hit. Income streams in some areas have dried up but in other areas, utilities and the like we have saved money. So it's that old saying of "swings and roundabouts".

Every year we ask families for a voluntary Digital Learning Technologies co-contribution of $119 per child which enables us to maintain our fleet of computers, iPads, robotic and coding equipment, purchase software and subscriptions,  increase our ratio of devices to students, purchase additional technical support, fund targeted professional learning, subsidise student incursions and bulk  purchase digital and tech products to resource our curriculum programs from Foundation to Year 6.

While we are okay for now we have a great many laptops (and other resources) at end of life that are no longer in warranty and that we need to replace. At this time many families are under financial stress and we do not want to add any financial pressure. If you are in a position to pay this contribution, or even part pay, this would go a long way to keeping our programs resourced and also help us continue to provide support should "remote school" continue longer than anticipated.

Where will families find the request for payment?

Families will find details under “My News” on their Compass Home Page (Web browser NOT APP). Look for a Course Confirmation/School Payments heading.

Please call the School Office on 9499 1880 if you have any queries on how to make payment.

Pay Now / Click here

2019 Annual School Report.

Last night the  IPS Leadership Team presented the draft 2019 Annual Report to School Council to be ratified prior to sending it to the Department of Education and Training.


The purpose of the annual report to the school community is to inform parents and the wider school community of the school's successes, activities and achievements throughout the year, and to meet legislative and regulatory requirements under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and the National Education Agreement 2008.


Right now where the bulk of Victorian students are participating in school from home it is clearer than ever  that  our education system, and how we deliver education, needs to flexible, adaptable and able to meet the needs of students in a variety of circumstances.


Our school system needs to be flexible and adaptable to accommodate changes in technology, teaching and learning practice so that we are better able to manage change - particularly when it is beyond our control.


The 2019 AR is pre COVID so it will not be until the next Annual Report that we can make absolute  comparisons.  IPS staff are working hard to meet today's challenges as we evaluate the performance of our past and current programs and operations.


The 2019 Annual Report shows the school community that this hard work supported by strategy and investment will continue to ensure that the future looks bright for every Ivanhoe Primary School student.


The 2019 Annual Report will be available on the IPS School Website once received by the Department of Education and Training.

Ideas provided for parents to use with their children

Last week I said that it is up to each parent to use discretion as to how little or how much of the work is completed by the student. We are acutely aware of the range of family circumstances in terms of internet coverage, parents working from home, limitations because of younger siblings etc. 

While some do not get through all of the challenges others are looking for supplementary activities to engage and compliment the  set school work. The following link may be of interest to you and is definitely worth a look.


"These activity ideas are provided for parents to use with their children at home and provide fun, stimulating activities that can be used as described or adapted and built upon as desired. 

The quality learning tasks are mostly self-directed, meaning children can do it by themselves, and are generally open-ended and can be interpreted by children of differing ages to suit their own capabilities/strengths. Enjoy and have fun!"

IPS stay connected challenge

Last week I put out the challenge to share some photos and videos, stories and writings and anything else that might be emailed through to with the promise  I would share some of them with you. Please check out the Learning From Home page to see what has been shared. 


Please show your children and inspire them to send me something for next week's newsletter.


I have never been more proud to be the Principal of Ivanhoe Primary School. The leadership team and staff are undertaking important work for the betterment of every student.


I thank them on behalf of the entire community for their professionalism and their commitment.


Remember, we are all in this together.

Stay safe and stay connected.


Mark Kent
