Students of the Week


Each week staff will nominate students to be awarded our Student of the Week award. Staff are looking to recognise students who are working hard and approaching our new learning approach with enthusiasm and rigour. From the nominations, one student per year level is selected as the Student of the Week. Congratulations to this week’s winners. When school returns, you will receive a café voucher.

Year 7- Toby Beever

Toby was nominated by Mr Mehra for adapting to the new learning environment really well,

submitting all his School Closure Tasks and being the first in the class to do this.





Year 8- Maddison Campbell

Maddison was nominated by Ms Lumsden for her outstanding standard of work and commitment to remote learning. She has been completing more work than expected and has done so with enthusiasm. She emails for help and responds to feedback.




Year 9- Marley Deefholts

Mr Lloyd nominated Marley for his excellent approach to remote learning. He is engaged in his work and is contributing to class in a variety of ways.












Year 10- Kendall Thomas

Mrs Morley has been impressed with Kendall’s ability to solve problems, ask questions and seek clarification. She has been put to the test and has responded appropriately. Mrs Morely is very proud of the way Kendall has applied herself.




Year 11- Aron Slattery

Aron has been nominated by Ms Shelley for his work ethic and organisation during this time. Aron is submitting all tasks and is proving himself to be an independent learner. These skills will benefit him throughout his VCE.




Year 12- Jasmine Kennedy

Mr Morison is proud of the way Jasmine has transitioned to remote learning. She has sought clarification of content and has been sending Mr Morison work that didn’t need to be submitted, just to make sure she is on the right track. She is using feedback to improve her understanding.