Student Fitness

The Erickson girls.

During this uncertain time, one way to fill in free time is exercising and staying fit both physically and mentally. We have been running, bike riding,

doing workouts and practicing our netball and footy skills. Having no sport has been extremely unusual for us as we are very sport orientated girls and not knowing when its coming back has been difficult, so we’ve been staying on top of our fitness. 







Keeping on top of your fitness is good for your mental wellbeing during this pandemic, so we hope everyone is staying save and active!


Aemelia Stevenson

For my fitness, I've been doing 20-30-minute workouts with our names that Mr. Morison thought of, I do that 1-2 times a day.

I’ve also been doing 2-3km runs around Mt Riddell Rd, I do it about 1-2 times a day, but on the 22/4/20 I did four runs and ran 10k in total. I’ve also been doing futsal practice, I've been practicing my freestyle, getting my feet faster and better control!