Parent Information Sessions have been arranged for Monday 12th February 9.10am & Friday 2nd March 7.00pm. These sessions will outline how to use COMPASS effectively and provide assistance to parents to set up their mobile phones and compass pages.
COMPASS School Manager is a school wide on line communication tool for all students, parents and teachers. It is a live web site available 24/7 and can be accessed on any digital device.
To access the Compass School Manager Parent Portal, please click on this link:
Compass School Manager functions include:
- Keep up to date with school news
- Check your child’s attendance
- Log or approve absences
- Monitor online learning tasks
- Access student reports
- Make online payments and give permission for your child’s participation in school events
- Communicate electronically with staff
- View a live timetable including any excursions, room changes, etc
- Access resources provided by teachers
- Access, submit and receive feedback on learning tasks
- Keep up to date with school news
- View a live timetable including any excursions, room changes, etc
- Upload resources for students
- Collect and provide feedback on assessment tasks
- Keep up to date with school news
- Plan school events
- Book resources
Approving Student Absences through Compass
Parents are legally required to notify the school of student absences and explain reasons for absences.
There are two different scenarios:
A. a student has already been absent, and the parent wants to approve the absence
B. the parent is aware that the student will be absent in the future (eg: a family holiday) and the parent wants to pre-approve the absence
A. Approving an absence after the student has already been absent from school
- Log in to Compass
- Click on the “Actions for student” , then “Add Parent Approval”
- Enter the reason for the absence, the start and end dates (and times if only part day absence), and take note of the information in the Important Notice. Then click “Save”.
B. Approving an absence in advance (eg: prior to a family holiday)
- Log in to Compass
- In the “Attendance: Parent Approval Required” section (circled in red below), click on “Click here for more information”.
- Select the times that you would like to approve the absences for by ticking in the relevant check boxes.
- Click on the “Parent Approve” button.
- Select the reason for the absence, add any relevant comments, and then read the information in the Important Notice. Then click “Save”.