Classroom News Year 2/3/4
Brolga Room
With the hectic schedule of swimming behind us the kids in the Brolga Room are looking forward to further establishing their routines and getting down to some serious work.
Our investigations in Numeracy have revolved around gathering, representing and interpreting data in many different forms. Students have been posing questions, collecting information and creating graphs. Sometimes we have used technology to assist us, but other times we have gone “old school” and used our trusty pencils, rulers and paper. We will soon be moving on to a unit looking at place value and then will focus on problem solving strategies.
During Literacy we have used Circle, Multiflow and Bubble Maps to help organized and clarify our thinking. We have also been structuring effective paragraphs to introduce and learn more about the members of our grade. The kids have also really enjoyed listening to the Capital Letter Rap and relearning about when it’s appropriate to use capital letters in our writing. Take a look at it the link - its super catchy, you can sing along with the kids.