Term 2 Highlights

LPA (Fionuala), LPB (Lisa/Jackie) and LPC (Bec/Suzanne) - Writing
Over the last few weeks, students in LPA, LPB and LPC have worked on narratives and descriptive writing. The students created characters, props and settings to help ignite their imagination and to enhance their story writing. Craft projects lead to developing the related language and lots of oral storytelling. Students worked together with the teacher to compose class texts. With support they then wrote, illustrated and published their own written pieces.
LPD (Stacey), LPE (Kylie) and LPF (Jamie) - Language Experience
We have been very busy participating in a range of different activities to build their oral language. Some of the activities included: washing toys, making cloud dough, outdoor scavenger hunts and dream catchers as well as playing outside. The students then wrote a response about their experience.
LPG (Neschelle), LPH (Alex) and LPI (Fiona) - Maths, English and Writing
This term the students and staff of LPG, LPH and LPI have had a great term back at school. The students participated in lots of hands on learning and movement activities.
In Maths students have looked at Australian money and sorted coins and notes based off their features (silver, gold, cents and dollars). Students have also role played and practiced trading money for items in a play shop. Students have also had fun measuring. They have measured their feet, hands and height using different informal units (Unifix blocks, textas, pencils, etc.)
In English we have revisited Concepts of Print and discussed book features using digital texts. We have listened to ‘Ants in the Apple’ multiple times and the students are getting much better at their letter name and sound recognition. The students continue to improve their Oxford Words and identifying the letters in their name.
Writing continues to be a favourite session with our Language Experiences. The students have made kites and other craft activities. These experiences are used by the students to write a recount identifying who, what and where from photos and supporting pictures.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday. We look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.
LPJ (Lauren) and LPK (Amanda) - English and Maths
This term has been a busy one for the Preps with lots of adjustments to Home Learning, and then our much anticipated return to the classroom. On our return we have continued to explore different fairy-tale texts, developing our concepts of print skills, letter and phonic knowledge, and comprehension of the texts. The students have particularly enjoyed exploring the sensory tubs on Friday that have given them opportunity for retell and role-play. Little Red Riding Hood and our exploration of the letter Rr was a particular favourite.
In Maths we have explored early understandings of both addition and subtraction. Recognising that numbers can change, and they get bigger when we ‘add’, and smaller when we ‘take away’. Students recently enjoyed ‘5 Cheeky Monkeys’ rhyme and hands on activities, where there were many enthusiastic crocodiles ‘taking away’ monkeys from the tree.
In Social Skills we have explored the feelings of ‘happy’, ‘sad’ and ‘angry’. We have identified facial expressions of these feelings such as smile for ‘happy’, and made links to our own experiences. This has been positive for many of our students in developing their ability to identify, express and explain their feelings to others.
Our Prep team would like to wish all of our poppets a wonderful and safe holiday – we’ll see you in 2 weeks!
Art - Graffiti and Typography
Over the past 5 weeks in Art, the students have continued looking at Graffiti and Typography art. The students have been exposed to the artist Jasper Johns. They have learnt that this Artist liked to paint numbers, letters, targets and maps. Through this unit the students have explored different mediums, using paint, soft pastels and oil pastels to create their own Jasper Johns inspired art pieces.
Outdoor Education - Bikes
Over the past few weeks due to our swimming program being unable to run students from LPE and LPF have had the opportunity to participate in an afternoon fitness session using the bikes and balance walker. The students have enjoyed practising their riding and pedalling skills as well as learning how to stop and use the brakes effectively.
Library - Storybooks
In Term 2 we started our program remotely working from home. The students listened to a variety of digital storybooks told by different storytellers and engaged in stories that reflected personal experiences. Since returning to school, the students have continued to enjoy listening to stories written by Australian authors and stories about dream time.
Performing Arts - Beat, Rythm. Tempo and Dynamics
In Term 2, the Performing Arts program has been focused around the musical elements of beat, rhythm, tempo and dynamics. Students have used body percussion, un-tuned percussion instruments and movement to explore these aspects of music. They have listened to different types of music and particularly enjoyed dressing up and dancing about like the “Whitney and Britney- Chicken Divas” for the national simultaneous story time.
Physical Education - Motor Skills
In Physical Education since returning to onsite learning we have revised our skills practised at home and have commenced and focused on new areas of the curriculum.
Over the past several weeks the preps have been working on manipulative skills and have had lots of fun working cooperatively with the parachute. LPG, LPI and LPH have been learning about the fundamental motor skill of kick and have practised lots of soccer skills of dribbling, passing and trapping. LPD, LPE and LPF have enjoyed experimenting with the basketballs learning to bounce, dribble, pass and shoot. Inside classes have been working on the fundamental motor skill of catch using lots of equipment and simple games to extend them.
Social Competencies - Playing With Friends
Since coming back from remote learning we have been doing lots of work with all students around feelings, friendship and reconnecting with our peers and teachers. Our main focus has been on what to do when someone does not want to play. We have learnt that it is okay for other people to say “no” to playing, because we can go and ask someone else or go and do other things.
We have attached a Social Story “Playing With Friends” for you to read with your child over the holidays to reinforce our learning. The Social Story highlights the language and strategies we use in Lower Primary when talking about relationships and getting along with our friends.
Taker Care
Lisa Wiedermann
Acting Principal
Watsonia Campus