Welcome to Week 6

Welcome back to all our students as we return to five days at school for the first time in many weeks. Students are back with their class teachers and own rooms everyday and Secondary have returned to their normal timetable. This week practical classes and sport will re-start and we are planning for a return to our liturgical celebrations and other school activities in modified ways. Most students have returned in their winter uniform and thank you to our families they continue to make with our uniform. Our hygiene and social distancing practices are still being enforced. Please remind your children of how important it is to follow these guidelines:

Wash your hands regularly

Use hand sanitiser when entering classrooms

Sneeze or cough into a tissue or elbow and wash your hands/sanitise after

Do not touch others and their possessions

Drink only from their own water bottle

Don't share food

Behaviour Expectations and Procedures

This week we are reminding our students of our behaviour expectations and procedures. Returning to a structured routine and interactions with other students can take some adjusting. Following our rules of:

Respect for yourself

Respect for others

Respect for our school 

Respect for learning 

is crucial for keeping our school a safe and happy place where learning can happen.


Unwell students

It is very important for unwell students to stay at home until they are better. If your child has any symptoms of a cold or flu then they should stay home until the symptoms have ceased. A general rule of thumb about whether you should send your child to school is as follows:

  • If you have to give your child Panadol or Nurofen for a fever today, they should STAY AT HOME TOMORROW
  • If your child has a hard cough, constant runny nose, sore throat or swollen glands THEY SHOULD NOT BE AT SCHOOL TOMORROW
  • If you have given them Panadol or Nurofen in the morning to get them “through the day” THEN THEY SHOULD NOT COME TO SCHOOL
  • If your child has vomiting and/or diarrhoea today, they should not come to school for 48 hours AFTER SYMPTOMS HAVE RESOLVED

Please do not send your child to school if they are still unwell or recovering from an illness.

Our staff have been directed to send students who are displaying symptoms of being unwell to the Front Office so parents can be called to collect them.  As a teacher you can only use judgement by seeing symptoms or listening to the students about how they feel. Your support on this is paramount to keeping our whole community safe. Likewise, if your child or a member of your household has been tested for COVID 19 please keep them at home until the test has been returned negative.


All of our messages over the past weeks have gone electronically on COMPASS , Facebook and Skoolbag. We have enjoyed not killing so many trees with paper notes! We would love for this to continue. We would like to know if you are unable to access COMPASS which is our parent portal for communication where notes etc can be sent. Please email us if you cannot log on to COMPASS at

Needing to talk with someone

As we return students may feel the need to talk to someone. At Holy Trinity we have a number of services to support the emotional wellbeing of our students. Students can talk with their teachers about their feelings and what is going on. Our support staff are also happy to be a friendly ear. Mrs Sharon Hollis is our Chaplain and is available for all students to have a personal one on one conversation. Next term we will be running our Seasons for Growth program. Keep your eye out for the information regarding this program in coming newsletters. We also have Ms Jodie Sheather, our Centacare Counsellor available for referrals. If you would like to access the counsellor please contact the Assistant Principals or myself.

Laptop return

If you borrowed a laptop during the remote learning phase it is time to return them. Please bring them to the Front Office so they can be returned to our system correctly and your family name marked off.


Kindergarten 2021 Virtual Open Day