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In the news
YACVIC'S article with Conversation-starters to offer support to friends
A CMY Report on The impact of COVID-19 on employment for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Victoria.
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Youth services are for young people – all young people – and as such they must be inclusive and accessible for all young people, because that’s the job of a youth service. Without accessibility for all young people, these services will harm groups of society that already have a hard time accessing the world around them.
(A-Z) list of resources and information to support the myriad of ways that COVID-19 impacts young people.
Sorry Business
Sorry Business: A Kleinian perspective on Apology and Reparation seminar.
‘Sorry Business’ is a term used by First Nation People’s of Australia to encompass the rituals and ceremonies associated with death and grieving. But Australia has a sorry business, left unattended and unacknowledged. Colonisation in Australia (as elsewhere) has left a legacy of inequality, trauma, shame, guilt, and exploitation. In Requiem for a Nun, Faulkner writes the famous line that ‘the past is never dead. It’s not even past.’