LLEN News 

Local Learning and Employment Network News from across Victoria 

Flexi Schools Network (City LLEN)

Throughout Term 2 the Flexi Schools Network has met via Zoom on a fortnightly basis. It has provided an excellent opportunity for staff from the schools to share their experiences of maintaining student engagement during the challenges of working under the COVID-19 restrictions. Schools are to be congratulated on the way they have been able to quickly adapt to new ways of not only delivering curriculum but in maintaining the social wellbeing of their students. On line cooking challenges, yoga sessions and collective song writing are just a few of the activities that have taken place. It is pleasing to see some students who have struggled to engage in the classroom have thrived in the new on line environment. All schools will use what they have learnt through this difficult period to enhance student learning and engagement into what develops as the new normal. For more information on the network contact Andrew Smith at andrewsmith@ccllen.org.au

University High School (City LLEN)

During Term 2 the LLEN has continued to work with University High School and community partners The Drum (Drummond Street Youth Services) and CNLC (Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre) to strengthen student learning, engagement and pathway options for students who reside on the Carlton Public Housing Estate. This was particularly important during the current situation as access to IT for these students was sometimes an issue. Several Zoom meetings were facilitated by the LLEN to discuss provision of support to these students and their parents. A Google Meet session was facilitated on the 4 June between the school, community partners, the LLEN and parents, with the support of the relevant interpreters, to allow parents to ask questions and receive the latest updates from the school. A follow up meeting is planned for Term 3.


Rail Careers: 

In partnership with the Rail Academy, Level Crossing Removal, Yarra Trams, Rail Projects Victoria the City LLEN is facilitating a webinar on Wednesday 22 July for Careers Teachers and other school staff to learn more about the on-going employment opportunities for young people with these employers. 

Visit for more information and registration details.

Or contact Louise Smith @ louisesmith@cityllen.org.au



Project Me

The Capital City LLEN is partnering with the Big Sister Experience to bring their popular and successful program Project Me to secondary schools across the state via an online platform. Re-focused and designed for this post Covid-19 era Project Me recognises that young women and girls are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of losing connection and many require mental health strategies to build greater resilience and make informed pathway decisions. It includes a free four week fully automated course consisting of video’s, blogs, tasks and activities, as well as access to online mentoring. 

Contact Louise Smith @ louisesmith@cityllen.org.au

Information and registration at:



Part- time Jobs in the City Advice and Mock Interviews

Once things begin to return to normal, we hope the retail and hospitality sector will bounce back with gusto and need lots of young people to place in part-time work.  Research shows that part-time work really contributes to students sense of well-being, teaches work-life balance, team skills, negotiation, tolerance among many others not to mention the income gained helps them to gain a sense of independence. Many students however lack the knowledge regarding how to go about finding a part-time job, what to say, what to write and how to handle themselves in an interview with an employer.  As a result the City LLEN are offering students in the City of Melbourne the chance to speak with one of us to gain advice and do a practice interview over Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom.  Note all of our staff have a Working with Children’s Check and we have a Child Safety Policy governing our interactions with students and most of our staff are ex-teachers and/or have extensive experience helping young people into work and delivering careers advice.  Please register for this program via the SWL portal


Careers Counselling for Students with a Chronic Illness

Every year we deliver a forum in partnership with the Royal Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald Learning Centre for students with a chronic illness to support them in their final years of secondary school. We also teach them about the supports and programs they are eligible for to help their pathway to university, TAFE of employment.  Due to Covid-19 we have cancelled this event but are still able to offer part of the program online and provide careers counselling to the students who are long term patients of the RCH or other hospital.  Interested students or teachers can enquire directly to our Careers Counsellor, Andrew Smith via andrewsmith@cityllen.org.au or register via the portal.