CEO'S Report 

Louise Smith 

As we go back into lockdown we are all still trying to figure out what the future holds to best develop and deliver the most appropriate services to young people.  We are going through or entering a time of great change; economic, environmentally, social – every sector and life stage is being impacted.  Experts are unable to provide the answers, all we know is the government are favouring studies and careers in STEM. Whilst we also promote the benefits of STEM, the critical thinking and myriad of other skills gained by studying the Humanities are also essential in the contemporary workforce.  The Covid-19 crisis has also highlighted the importance of being able to manufacture goods in Australia.  Will we see a return of clothing and shoe manufacturers?  Will we start making the precursors for the medicines we rely on?  There are potential industries to re-emerge, may be with a lot more automation than when they closed down in the early 90’s but capable of providing employment pathways.


Remote learning and working from home have shown us that some students and employees thrive and perform very highly, whilst others not so much.  What can we learn from this, what can we learn about how we teach and adapt the curriculum to cater for all students going forward?  The crisis has provided a great opportunity re-consider every aspect of our education model.  The City LLEN provided a quick online submission to the Minister for Education's call out for feedback on remote learning, I look forward to reading the report summarising the learnings from across the state.


A big, big shout out to all the teachers out there doing an amazing job, how quickly and effectively people adapted to teaching on-line was fantastic.  2020 is no doubt going to be a hard year and we have many more hurdles and challenges to face as we this cohort of students through the year. Good luck and don’t hesitate to let us know how we can further help you and your students.


Louise Smith