Sick Bay Update


Due to the current COVID-19 climate I thought it was best to run through our current temporary practice for illness at school. 


I would like to pass on my appreciation to families for their cooperation and patience in these not so normal times.  


Whilst we usually endeavour to keep students at school whenever we are able, for the interim there will be a change to our process if children are unwell at school. We hope these changes are temporary and we will update the school community as the situation evolves. 


Children who are sick are typically encouraged to stay home, however health authorities have taken the view that, amid coronavirus, it’s better to be overly cautious. The current advice from the Department of Education is that anyone who is unwell must not attend school, including, staff, parents and students. Symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19) include but are not exclusive to:  fever,  chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of sense of smell.  If a student or staff member attends while unwell, they will be sent home in accordance with the Department’s guidelines and advised to seek further medical review. 


As a working parent myself I appreciate the difficulties that this virus has thrust upon the community and I am grateful for the support families have shown when being contacted to collect their children from school. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to make contact via the school office or school email and I will endeavour to contact you at my earliest convenience. 


Reducing the risk, reducing the spread.

Follow these simple steps to help reduce the spread.

CATCH IT: Always use a tissue to catch that cough or sneeze

BIN IT:  Throw the tissue into the nearest bin

WASH IT:  Wash your hands rubbing vigorously with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday” twice.


Zowi Marshall

School Nurse