
Junior Class story time
Gu Thay Paw discovered another rainbow in the office!!
Pumpkin soup
Pumpkin soup
Dress up Friday
Junior Story Time
Tom's word ladder
Junior Class story time
Gu Thay Paw discovered another rainbow in the office!!
Pumpkin soup
Pumpkin soup
Dress up Friday
Junior Story Time
Tom's word ladder

Celebrating this week's birthdays.  A very happy birthday to Jody.

Student Attendance

If your child will be absent from school or online classes, please follow the usual protocol of informing the office as per normal practice. 

You can advise of absences using the Parent Access Module (PAM / SIMON Everywhere App), telephone the school office 53911575, or SMS to the school mobile 0419929271.

On-site Attendance Application Form

Parents and carers who require their child(ren) to attend on-site learning at school need to complete and submit the attached on-site Attendance Application Form by 3.00pm on Thursday of the week prior to their child(ren) attending on-site.  

OR complete the form on your phone -

Push-Up Challenge

The staff have joined the Push-Up Challenge.  The aim is to complete 3046 push-ups in 21 days.  The challenge runs from 11th - 31st May.

The reason the target is 3,046 push-ups in total is because this represents the number of lives lost in Australia to suicide in 2018. Together, we can make a real difference.  The staff at St Patrick's School have joined the push for better mental health!  Feel free to join up as well or give the staff a bit of support.

Nhill College - Year 7 Transition Program

A reminder to parents of our current Year 6 students who intend to enrol at Nhill College for Year 7 in 2021: Application for Year 7 Placement forms are to be returned to Nhill College by Friday 29 May.

Due to the current health crisis we are unable to conduct school tours for 2021 enrolments.  We are still available for contact via phone (5391 2111) or e-mail ( in regard to 2021. Enrolment packs and forms can be accessed from the school.  If restrictions are eased in June school tours may return as an option.

Miss Alannah King, Year 7 Coordinator.

Project Compassion

Thank you to our families who have raised a total of $128.35 for Project Compassion.  This amount has been forwarded to Caritas Australia for distribution to the countries that were the focus of this year's appeal.

National Simultaneous Storytime

At 11am next Wednesday our students will join (at school and online) with Mrs Dickinson to hear the story Chicken Divas.  

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).  Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.  Now in its 20th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.

By facilitating NSS we aim to:

  • promote the value of reading and literacy,
  • promote the value and fun of books,
  • promote an Australian writer and publisher,
  • promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country,
  • and provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.