Merit Ticket Count Term Two

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

At Staughton College, students are awarded Merit Tickets when they demonstrate positive behaviours consistent with our Staughton Student Matrix. 


This has been continuing over remote learning, with students being awarded merit tickets through XUNO.

Take a look at the current Merit Ticket Data for Term 2:


Congratulations to the students that received the most Merit Tickets this round

Year 7

Year 7: Jasmine Wilson 7H (40 merit tickets)


Year 8

Year 8: Leiham Good 8A (29 tickets)


Year 9

Year 9: Phoenix Tims 9A (17 tickets)


Year 10

Year 10: Caitlin Hopkins (17 Tickets)


Year 11

Year 11: Rwan Abdelaziz (14 tickets)


Year 12

Year 12: Breeanna Nugara (12 tickets)


Merit Ticket draws will happen this week, and the winners will be announced during Year Level (Video) Assemblies next week.