Communication Team

We Are Back!

The Communication Team is back! We have interviewed some students from across the school about their experiences with Remote Learning. The students interviewed were:

Ajooni Kaur P KD

Eva Van Eyk P KC

Alex Lastarria 1/2 CD

Madeleine Pearce 1/2 JM

Khaylen Body 3/4 AB

Harper Shepard 3/4 CT

Darcy Shanahan 5/6 GW

Archer Hogan 5/6 GW


What was your favourite subject to do at home and why? 

Ajooni: Maths was my favourite when I was counting the leaves on the tree because I like leaves!

Eva: It was when I did my maths because it was fun.

Alex: Art because it’s so colourful and relaxing.

Madeleine: Maths because it’s hard and challenging. 

Khaylen: My favourite subject is writing because it never ends. 

Harper: Maths was my favourite subject to do at home because I enjoyed writing down all my math problems and solving them out.

Darcy: My favourite subject was sport or art, because I enjoyed going outside.

Archer: PE because I had a lot of space to do it at home.


What did you enjoy most about remote learning?

Ajooni: That I was able to see my family at home while I did my work.

Eva: Being able to have company with my family but they talked A LOT!

Alex: Sport because it’s fun and you get to do fun activities. 

Madeleine: Seeing everyone on Google Meet.

Khaylen: I enjoyed sleeping in till 7:00am.

Harper: I liked that I could do work at times that suited me.

Darcy: I enjoyed being with my family.

Archer: Being able to do more fun activities at recess and lunch instead of the same things.


When did you have to use a growth mindset when learning at home?

Ajooni: None! They were all fun!

Eva: When I was doing my writing, it was hard but I did do it!


Madeleine: In writing because it was challenging. 

Khaylen: I didn't need a growth mindset at all.

Harper: When I was doing hard math questions I had to use a growth mindset.

Darcy: I had to use my growth mindset when I was doing math and it got trickier.

Archer: During art because it was challenging because I couldn’t do it.


When were you happiest when learning at home?

Ajooni: When I was doing the writing! It was tricky but fun!

Eva: When my mum would tell me funny jokes!

Alex: All the time. Because it was a fun experience. 

Madeleine: Spending time with my family. 

Khaylen: When I finished all my work.

Harper: I was the happiest when I could see my dogs during remote learning.

Darcy: I was happiest when I got to see my teacher on our Google Meet so I could ask for help.

Archer: When it was over so I got to sit down and relax.