Education in Faith



One can tell a lot about a family by the way they welcome others into their home. Practicing a spirit of Christian hospitality within the family can be an occasion to reflect upon the importance of this virtue. A family spirit of hospitality is a sign of faith. When your family gathers, ask each person to consider the following questions about manners:

  • What does it mean to be a good host?
  • What does it mean to be a good guest?

Ask family members to describe what Jesus says about hospitality extended to his disciples. Those who receive Jesus’ disciples also receive Jesus himself; hospitality to Jesus’ disciples will be rewarded. Then encourage family members to talk about what it means to be a good guest or a good host. Conclude in prayer together that your family grows to be one in which Christian hospitality is experienced by all. 


Rozeta Ambrose - REL Sacraments 



Mini Vinnies News


The Mini Vinnies would like to thank parents and students who donated non-perishable food and toiletries to give to those who are less fortunate within our community. The Hampton Park St Vincent de Paul Conference collected the items today and were so excited about how much we have been able to donate.


Here are the results for each of the Houses and the amount of

items they collected:


PATRICK             216

MACKILLOP      243

BOSCO               167

TERESA              181


Congratulations to MacKillop for winning the House Competition! Well done to everyone, we were able to give St Vincent de Paul over 800 items!!!



I would like to say a great big thank you to the Mini Vinnies. This group of students made a commitment to attend a meeting every Tuesday at lunchtime and eagerly come to the meetings, giving up their play time. I have never heard a complaint! They work so hard making sure their actions are completed!!! I am so proud of them. Without them we would have not collected all the money that we did for Project Compassion or all the food and toiletries for the Hampton Park Conference. Thank you to the Mini Vinnies. I look forward to working with you again next term!!!

