Learning and Teaching


What an amazing morning we had at school today! Staff and students excitedly cheered for their Houses as students ran by them on the Cross Country course. Well done to all the students for taking part! 


12/13 Year Olds completed 3 laps of the course.

11 Year Olds also completed 3 laps.

9/10 Year Olds completed 2 laps

Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 all completed 1 lap

Congratulations to all students!


A big congratulations to our winning House - MacKillop - SFS 2020 Cross Country Shield Winners! 

A fantastic effort and they were presented with the shield at our FIRST ever online awards ceremony! 


Well done to all the students who came in 1st to 10th in their age or level group. Each received a ribbon and points for their House. Those who came in 1st were also presented with the trophy that will have their name engraved as the 2020 winner and remain at the school as a record of their excellence:







12/13 BoysKian McGrath 12/13 GirlsAlexis Jackson
11 BoysAbel John 11 GirlsChloe Seremetis
9/10 BoysKayce Christodoulou 9/10 GirlsMaia Seremetis
Grade 2 BoysNathaniel Lukud Grade 2 GirlsAndison Mole
Grade 1 BoysDeclan Gomes Grade 1 GirlsDominique Busari
Foundation BoysViraj Saini Foundation GirlsHann Binoy

A big thank you to our staff. They give up so much of their time assisting and supporting events for the benefit of our students. Well done everybody and thank you!!

Lulli                              Giuliana

PE Teacher      &           PE Administrator


Junior Italian 

To continue with learning the colours in Italian, Junior students combined Art with Italian this week to explore how the mixing of certain colours can create new colours. This activity encouraged the students to experiment with saying these new colour creations in Italian using the words ‘e’ which means  ‘and’ as well as the word ‘fa’ which means ‘makes’ 




During our Inquiry and Re Unit this term, we explored the concept of ‘Living Together’. As part of this unit the LS1 Juniors have been looking at the people in our community and the important roles that they play. This week the students had the opportunity to write a letter to a community worker as a way of showing gratitude and thanking them for all their help

This term AM explored the text 'The Rainbow Fish'. 


After discussing how it is important to be kind to others, students suggested ways that they are kind like the Rainbow Fish. Students then created an art piece to match their thoughts.




Juniors - LS1

LS1 Juniors have been exploring the ideas of “This is me”. Using the song from “The Greatest Showman” for inspiration we exploring all aspect within us that make us special. 



This term we have been really focusing on our art pieces in preparation for the Art Show. We have been exploring how to use different mediums to create effective pieces of art. Mediums such as painting, mosaics, rubbings and shadings. This week we focused on using different textured leaves to create an animal.  Here is a sneak peek at our first session…


The children have been learning about how Jesus told stories that carry a message as well as how indigenous people of Australia told stories to teach others. They compared and contrasted parables and dreamtime stories. The children expressed some of their learning through art. They created these pictures of Australian animals by using different techniques and mediums. They tore patterned paper to create a mosaic on part of the animal and completed it by colouring the rest with textas. The children then did crayon rubbings on the concrete to create a different texture to complete their work with a sunset for the background.


This term the students in LS2 investigated an event in Australia’s history that has helped to shape our country. Some of the historical events included; Indigenous Migration, The First Fleet, The Gold Rush, Ned Kelly, The first bank in Australia and how the Spanish Flu affected our society. Students first investigated the important people, place and times associated with their chosen event and then researched the role of the Catholic Church during that time. To showcase their new knowledge students made 3D dioramas, information posters and a piece of art that helped to show what they had learned. This was then presented to the juniors in LS2 and some students from the other learning spaces. Students were happy to get some feedback on all their hard work and share their knowledge with others. 

Clinic 1 Mathematics in LS3 

LS3 have been busy this week. They demonstrated their ability to work as a team to order numbers and find their pairs. They all made sure that everyone was included and had a turn." 

"During our Wet Day playtime inside Levi, Toby, Kayleb, Matthew and Prue were super excited when they created a tower out of blocks. They all worked together to build their creation and were amazed and how tall they made the tower without knocking it down". 


LS1 Seniors- Term 2  Living Together Investigation Expo

The senior students in Learning Space 1 have been exploring significant events that have shaped the history of Australia.  Some of these events were: First Australians, The Gold Rush, First Fleet, Spanish Flu and the Eureka Stockade. 

While working remotely the seniors were asked to choose an important event and find out key details to answer the 5 W’s and 1 H.  They also identified the location of this event and created their own maps and timelines.

Back at school the students further investigated and explained how their event impacted Australia as we know it today.  They presented their findings via presentations using Google Slides, Prezi and PowerPoint

Also, each student had to design and create an artistic representation of their chosen event.  They were able to decide on the medium for these pieces.  Some examples of these were: portraits, landscapes, dioramas, collage and puppet shows to name a few. 

Everyone worked well and enjoyed the opportunity to share their learning.


LS3 Seniors

In Mathematics this week in our unit on Perimeter and Area students have been working on a challenging task to find ways to prove that the area of a triangle is

 ½ base x height. 


Irene: I was given a task to prove the area of a triangle. Some of the triangles were hard, but I managed to prove it. It was pretty challenging.. 


Shenise: This task was quite challenging to work on because some of the triangles wouldn’t give you the exact answer straight away.


Tahlia:   Some of the triangles were hard but others were easy.The scalene was the hardest and the right angle one the easiest. I had so much fun trying to make the rectangles out of the triangles and proving that ½ b x h = A


Acknowledgement to Country

As a component of our living together unit our LS3 seniors wrote their own Acknowledgement to Country. We explored the importance of an Acknowledgement to Country and the students reflected on their knowledge of our country and the land we care for to write their own special Acknowledgement for us to use at our morning gatherings and assemblies. .


LS3 Juniors - Sharing our writing

This week in LS3 the juniors and seniors came together to share their narratives and information reports they wrote this term. They really enjoyed hearing each other's stories and continuing to build their relationships with each other!