New Language Centre students
Semester 2 has begun well for our 12 new English Language Centre Students, who arrived in Australia during the school holidays. We welcome them warmly to our school. The ELC teachers have been very impressed at how well these students have settled into life at Brighton Secondary College. In this group, we have students from Vietnam, Japan, Korea and China.
To develop their speaking skills, the students practised asking and answering questions in English classes. They found out a lot about each other after these conversations.
Part of their first unit of work is learning about Marvellous Melbourne. In preparing for their upcoming first excursion to the city, many different topics are covered. One of these is ‘what to do in an emergency’. Students are taught how to make emergency calls. They are introduced to DRSABCD. They learn to look for dangers, check response, airways and breathing and how to call OOO. They are also taught how to report a crime and how to describe people. We hope they never have to use these skills, but if so, they have shown they are capable of doing this.
In PE, our students were coached by some Year 10s on the skills of volleyball. Well done to all involved. The coaches were knowledgeable and patient, and the LC students were keen and had a lot of fun.
All students in the Language Centre are required to pass their Bunsen burner licence before doing any experiment in Science. Well done to them all for passing their test and getting their certificate for their licence.
In Foods, the students have made and tasted a few Aussie favourites: chocolate crackles, fairy bread and Vegemite. Though fairy bread was definitely the favourite, only two of the group gave Vegemite the thumbs up! From the photos it is clear who liked what.
Well done to all the Language Centre students on a great first month at Brighton Secondary College.
Christmas in July
On Wednesday 26 July, the 11 EAL class who have been studying Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol, celebrated their own Christmas in July.
A small roast chicken was carefully carved and shared amongst the 15 students by “ Mr Bob Chratchit”. The size of the meagre meal showed how poor this family was.
Decorations, costumes and food and drink helped to make a festive event. The students embraced the spirit of Christmas, as characters from the novel and we even had a toast made to Mr Scrooge, “the founder of the feast”.
Mingyan Li played some Christmas Carols on the keyboard to make this a truly happy event.