'On Tuesday the 1st of August, me and some other members of the SRC went to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) in Footscray to drop off all the food donations the school received from the SRC food drive.
When we went inside the main building, I could see shelves stacked with food, as well as people filling their carts with what was provided. We were then re-directed to another area where we would drop off the donations. There were 2 large blue containers which were filled to the brim with the items that were donated by our school community. The ASRC manager explained to us what the ASRC was and answered any questions we had. She explained that the organisation worked with large food companies such as Coles to receive discounted essentials to go with the donations they receive. We also learned that it is not a government funded organisation but rather it is funded by those who donate. My favourite part of the organisation is that those who come in get to choose what essentials they need instead of them getting handed a package and having no choice in what they get, which is a more dignified way of helping people.
This trip to the ASCR was really impactful because it showed us there are many people that aren’t fortunate enough to be able to provide for their family and it gave us an insight of how we, as a community, can all work together to provide for those who can’t provide for themselves.'
Tamia Jung-Phelan