Dear BSC Families,
Our School council met last Wednesday evening and as part of our AGM and College Council meeting we discussed the Annual Report to the School Community ( this report can be access on our BSC website).
Our top 3 NANPLAN data compares very favourably with similar schools, with BSC continuing to be rated above other schools for both Numeracy and Reading.
Our VCE data indicated we were higher than similar schools for All Study Median scores for the first time last year. This is a fantastic achievement. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our 2022 Year 12 students and their families, and our teachers for their efforts and hard work to achieve such great results.Our satisfactory completion rate for VCE continues to be extremely high, and remains higher than like schools and the state average.
The main area for improvement is sense of connectedness across years 7-12. This is not surprising given the continued impacts of remote learning on a number of cohorts, and similar schools also experienced a fall in this value, as did the state average.
It was great to see we continue to see improvements and progress towards our strategic goals and student outcomes, and to hear how our senior leadership team review all students results and embed strategies with a whole school approach with teaching and learning, and the wellbeing and safety of our children.
We would always love as many hands on deck to support School Council initiatives and if any school members would like to contribute in any way, there are great initiatives coming through to make a real difference to our College community and we would appreciate hearing from anyone who is keen to support.
Asaf Harel
College Council President